Lose Ground v1.1Holzchopf Super User Offline 12.07.11 07:01:25 pm Lose Ground will punch small holes in the ground beneath everybody's feet. The holes are big enough so a player can fit through. It's super effective against players standing on a bar v1.1 - 28 Sep 2011 - Changed file hierarchy edited 2×, last 28.09.11 03:20:43 pm Approved by DC (29.11.15 08:00 pm) Download 3 kb, 595 Downloads
Jela331 User Offline 13.07.11 01:14:00 pm @Sgt_Seris Then why you don't make robot w machine guns,I think it's easy to script weapons @Upload Just 1 word:Awesome I like it!
KimKart Idiot Offline 12.07.11 10:26:13 pm Awesome!Just awesome. dunno whay i was thinking about robot with automatic machine guns(sentry-ish)that would be a nice way to kill ur enemys in CC. I like it!