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7 comments8 kb, 649 Downloads

old Gravity pack

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So, I finally uploaded it (It's unfinished, though).
This pack now contains 3 weapons. (I will add more later)

     Anti-Grav - this thing makes player/projectile/object fly, if it's above that plate. (idle - screen 2, action - screen 3);

     High gravity generator - it generates high gravity (really? ) - so, players jump like 1/2 of regular jump height. And it works on objects and projectiles. Even not influenced by gravity (well, I just don't know, how to fix it, yet. I said, it's unfinished.)

     Gravity Center - That thing "attracts" players/projectiles/objects. - screen 4,5.

These weapons (tools) don't work on supply crates, medikits, napalm (dunno why), But they work on normal objects.
edited 2×, last 30.06.11 05:22:31 pm
Approved by EngiN33R

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8 kb, 649 Downloads


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yes but anyway its a really nice pack
I like it!


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I really don't know how to disable camera following the player, but Anti-Grav is an object that should work each turn, sorry


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i also found something anoying (not a bug) if a player keeps standing on the Anti-Gravity generator until the turn ends the next player cant really play because the camera is still following the player on the ant-grav generator maybe you should turn the following on endround off
I like it!


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Yeah, I've got the idea of Anti-grav from The Incredible Machine (fan of that game).
projectiles. Even not influenced by gravity (well, I just don't know, how to fix it, yet. I said, it's unfinished.)

that's about plasma ray affected by gravity.
and that falling at the end of the round thing is about all scripted objects, I think.


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This is just crazy. I especially like the high gravity generator. It is a very good way to annoy THE ASS OFF any enemy.
Strange thing is that also some things which are norally not affected by gravity, fall down now. Fow example, lasers and plasma rays fall down. I made a bit WTF as I seen the plasma ray of my plasma blaster fell down. LOL.
Well lets hope that DC makes it possible sometime to natively tamper with the gravity with - lets say a Lua function called setgravity(...) or something like that. You simply just have to call this function. This will make things a ton easier and all these bugs would be wiped out at once!

The gravity center seems to be like the magnets uploaded from other person, but I think it looks better and it also attracts players (which is kinda cool). Yeah, the icon of this looks like shit, but with the particles it looks better.

And the Anti-Grav reminds me directly of the good old game "The Incredible Machine". There is a thing which works just like this. Did you get the idea from there?

Well I found another bug you probably didn't find: If your objects are falling at the end of the turn, and the turn ends, for a moment, the object stands still!
This can be easily fixed: You just have to add a condition ("if") which checks wheather the object stands still on the ground or not. If the condition is true, you let the update function return 1.This will cause CC to wait until the update function does not return 1 anymore. I recommend to add this condition at the end of the function, because it has a return in it.

4/5 Stars for the great ideas. Not 5/5 because of some bugs.
I like it!
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