
I would like to present my first animated model, a deer for stranded 2.
Deer are found in almost every location on earth, so why not on an island in the middle of the ocean. I have recently being toying with animation and this model took more more-less 2 days to make, (a total of 19 hours

Obviously, since this is my first deer, not to mention my first animation project, there are bound to be errors. That is why I request CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM! Not nonsense like, "This model is horrible" or "Yuck gross" or anything else like that. I want constructive criticism like, "It would be wise to make the forward legs longer next time" or, "The dieing animation is too unrealistic, try rolling the dear." Those are acceptable, and appreciated. I would have never made it this far without constructive criticism.

The download contains the textures, the model, the icon, and a readme that contains the animation codes as well as some setting that will help you get it just right.

The Deer of course, is something you have to give me credit for, you can use it in whatever mod you want, you can upload it to the net, but I ask 3 things of you.
(Normally I wouldn't be so demanding, but animation is hard)
You have to put my name in the credits as the maker of the Deer, you have to put my model in a folder in the gfx folder with my name on it, (\gfx\Lion_Hearted\Deer.b3d) and you have to rate it. I don't think thats too much to ask for.
Well, have fun with my newest and most complex creation!
And of course, rate, and tell me what you think about it!

Something that is Not, in the readme, and that is this.
Be sure to put those into the model description area, or else you won't be able to hit it with an arrow to save your life!
Any other bugs, tell me.
edited 1×, last 19.05.11 07:09:08 pm
Approved by Seekay
128 kb, 1,128 Downloads