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old My hostages skins (Updated)

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My hostages skins

All without a black border to blend with the shadow in game.

Complied with all the game scales and sizes for 640 * 480 with correct top down view.

Made as part of the of Realistic pack (One of several upcoming projects Russian team modders Fan-Group).

Made pixel by pixel with different art effects.

See also

flame Made by hand, from Russia with love. (Astrakhan)
∗ Use with pleasure

illegal Do NOT upload as yours and say its yours
illegal Do NOT edit and publish without permission

I am one of modders of Russian "Fan-group".
edited 7×, last 13.08.14 11:47:02 am
Approved by GeoB99

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10 kb, 607 Downloads


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Updated & fixed sprites, add more shading


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Omg! guys whats the problem with you? the skins are nice, maybe not so realistic but they are nice.. I want ot see you all making a better hosatge pack than this.


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All my sprites are drawn by me - all my teammate from the Fan-Group(Vectar666, EngiN33R, Cliffe_Snake, SDKey, S1M0N_RUS, FaqAp, JetFighter, FastLine Advance) and some others people can attest to this.
In my turn, I can confirm that their work made ​​them themselves.

And I do game-build with a realistic style. It is not compatible with your standard comics style - the result you think that it is not realistic. To help you understand what I mean - look at the screenshots that I did on my computer - the examples in my old files that I uploaded to this site.:
Despite the fact that these screenshots are outdated - since it looks better.

When I draw - I try to draw high quality and realistic. In the game-build of, I also redid all of the standard tiles, sprites, and sounds to more realistic.
We are very serious about the hobby with a modification cs2d and otherwise help each other in creating a truly high-quality content.
With teammates we have been creating scripts of pseudo-physics, storey buildings and other systems of reality.
So I'll just be glad if anyone of you can draw or make something better or more realistic than we are.


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Yea ill call you noobs for bashing on this guy. He pumps out decent quality skins & to top that they are original IE no one else has made them like this before. Yea he takes ingame screen shots of models then converts them to CS2D is it honestly that fucking bad??? And to top that WTF is your standards for realistic? This is a 2D 8 bit game after all. Hell I doubt any of you could do any better in the realism department >>

And compared to the default skins these do look more realistic as he said tho the proper term would be 3D skins as they properly depict the models from a top down perspective. Honestly Id rate this at a 3 or 4 since its not perfect but I had no choice seeing as you are all bashing on this guys work with out proper or just cause IE LIKE NOOBS.

old Owh..

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Pixel-by-pixel ≠ Clicking a stupid pre-fab tool



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Pagyra has written
If you can not see, much less draw anything - it just says that you are a stupid one-armed blind monkeys with an inferiority complex anxious teenager.

If you can not understand that CS2D has a style to follow, and making things without border and in your "realistic" lame style automatically make the skin allowed to be classified as s**t; it just says that you're a retard user who make lame skins and can't accept that they are f**king lame.
This is NOT a realistic and disproportional game that allows people to make resized-like skins.

P.S.: Your skins always were the worst, try changing this design style, try using paint in your next screens, photoshop effects are for people who know how and where to use it.
Spoiler >


Pcmaster or Oito
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lol, I dont knew had porn on the link (I'll remove)


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Thanks for that mate.
Btw, I think one of the rules was no porn. Good luck with that.

Pagyra, you can say all you want. But we all know you fail. Please, think about that before commenting.


Pcmaster or Oito
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Not realistic ,but very good

PS: Yates ,go troll yourself on *censure*


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If you can not see, much less draw anything - it just says that you are a stupid one-armed blind monkeys with an inferiority complex anxious teenager.

old Nothing special..

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Welcome to earth you noobs. Hehe, now I said it, atleasts now it's true.


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Really, will you please stop using the word noob to insult someone, say moron.. It's obvious you are one, your scopes, resized and cut out like shit. These might be made by you, but it seems that no one likes them therefor are rating bad.

Newbie or noob is a slang term for a novice or newcomer, or somebody inexperienced in any profession or activity.

Welcome to earth you noobs. Hehe, now I said it, atleasts now it's true.
When saying this, I am referring to Pagyra, and Phenixtri, for calling us noobs.


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Especially for stupid noobs&newbies like you, I specifically slightly increased the skins ...
In fact - look at man from top down - we can see from behind his legs+boots \ his butt & ass / his shoulders - and his head is shifted to forward.
Аnd much depends by the сlothing on people - a black suit looks bigger than a white gown or orange jumpsuit.
That is - it's a little deviation from the vertical but the correct example (to find more examples, use search engine)
edited 2×, last 17.05.11 05:14:50 pm


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In Soviet Russia people must look like camels or this guy has got the shape of a human beings back really wrong.


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Made by hand, from Russia with love. (Astrakhan)

maybe if you added mor of your russian love it would look like something

old Not so realistic..

Reviewer Off Offline

Its not realistic.. I'm stick to the good ol' hostage..


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No, I could explain what "noob" means.


BANNED Off Offline

what can you do ?
kill it ?
kick it ? this is Site not server -,-


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Yates has written
Phenixtri has written
Well made as always ... to bad noobs will always be hating

Excuse me, did you just call me a noob?

Yeah, he call all who are give bad rating.


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Phenixtri has written
Well made as always ... to bad noobs will always be hating

Excuse me, did you just call me a noob?
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