This is co-op play script - CTs can't hurt Ts and Ts can't hurt CTs;
Exp and levels - more level you have, more exp you need to get next lvl. This system supports infinite levels;
Abilities and spells - with pressing serveraction2(F3)(screen5), you get menu (if you have free lvl pointz) you have active and passive abilities. You can use active abilities and "Forget" ability with serveraction3(F4) (screen2).;
Buy system. You CAN buy weapons with button 'B' and you can buy extra wpns with pressing serveraction1 (F2)(screen3). Moreover, you can buy MULTIPLE primary and secondary weapons. But, unfortunately, you can't pick up multiple wpns;
NUKE, can be bought in buy menu (F2), (screen1) you can plant it with F4->Plant Nuke. Also you can drop it, and you drop it on death. You can pick up dropped nuke. That's my first normal scripted item.;
Rocket turret.(Screen4) I wanted to make normal turret, because real one doesn't attack zombies, but scripted does. Unfortunately there is no "damageNPC" command, but, luckily, there is "explosion" command which affects NPCs. So, that's a rocket turret! To build one, build turret, it automatically becomes rocket one. Also, it's based on wall object, so, if you upgrade it, wallI becomes wallII. So, you can upgrade turret shield.
And, Save/load system, just every minute save, and on:join load. For save/load system, thx to


This pack contains maps with NPCzm_ prefix:
NPCzm_4squares by me;
NPCzm_bosstest by me, that map is stoooopid;
NPCzm_cross by me;
NPCzm_portal by AX3effect;
NPCzm_sewers by me;
NPCzm_spaceinfection by AX3effect;
NPCzm_test by me - first map for that script;
NPCzm_water_circle by me;
NPCzm_X by me;
also maps by Fapicon with npcw_ prefix:
NPCzm_4squares by me;
NPCzm_bosstest by me, that map is stoooopid;
NPCzm_cross by me;
NPCzm_portal by AX3effect;
NPCzm_sewers by me;
NPCzm_spaceinfection by AX3effect;
NPCzm_test by me - first map for that script;
NPCzm_water_circle by me;
NPCzm_X by me;
also maps by Fapicon with npcw_ prefix:
P.S. If you want to use rTurret, set mode to construction.
Better modes to play: DM, TDM, CON.
Now servertransfer.lst added and added some settings in the start of lua file:
turretlimit - limit of turrets per player (1, because of lags is recommended);
turretprice - how much turret costs;
minpl - minimum players. If there isn't enough players, bots will be added.
Added my bots, they are attacking NPCs only.
FIX 3 
added 1 missing gfx file;
added s_effects setting (in the start of lua file) - if you get much lag for these effects.
added startround refresh - after restart (or on round start) all turrets, nukes, turret rockets - are destroyed.
FIX 5 
bug: when you kill NPC with knife when berserk is working, you don't get score for that. - FIXED, thx loooser for finding this bug.
NOTE, that you get only 1/4 exp for killing zombie with knife using berserk, and that's not a bug.
also fixed missing "$" symbols in buy-menu(F2), thx Factis699 for finding this "bug".
FIX 6 
fixed bug with "forget" spell (thx to Reyhan)
Version 1.1.7 
Changed Fix to version (word UPDATE/FIX was too big
Added color configs to first lines of lua - thanks to uaiek for idea.
Fixed some aura bugs (aura was killing wrong zombies and didn't give money/xp), thx to The Reaper and Pagyra
Aura does some flare effect while working now, and color of the flare is customizable too.
Balanced and added Fapicon's maps
Different NPCs have different (and customizable
) blood colors
added another config values - how much xp do berserk and aura give (2 different values of course)
Fixed bug about planting nuke after death (thx to Pagyra)
Another config value to allow/disallow player to buy a nuke (it just dissapears in the menu, if this value is 0)
Now some buttons are "disabled" in some conditions:
Skill button if that skill is maximum;
Spell button if you don't have enough mana;

Now servertransfer.lst added and added some settings in the start of lua file:

added startround refresh - after restart (or on round start) all turrets, nukes, turret rockets - are destroyed.

P.S. 1104 lines of code

edited 16×, last 11.10.12 09:31:53 pm
Approved by Starkkz
138 kb, 5,377 Downloads