Well, this year I remembered this game that I played many, many years ago. It occurred to me to look for a translation in Spanish, and in this forum I found the contribution of the user EstebanLB.
His translation was very well done, although it was not complete. So I took this as a match and tried to complete it. I think it is 100% translated, I have translated the maps as well.
Note: I couldn't add the ñ character, nor the accents. Although it is understandable anyway.
When I finished it (several months ago) I was planning to upload it here at some point, but I forgot about it until today.
Today I was about to format my computer and I remembered the translation. And I said, I have to upload it! Since it had taken me a long time.
Well, without more to say, I attach the translated files of this great game.
Approved by Seekay
453 kb, 261 Downloads