Village 1BLESSY User Offline 14.11.16 08:47:02 am A village in new form. Approved by GeoB99 (27.11.16 04:02 pm) Download 69 kb, 637 Downloads
ModJuicer Super User Offline 26.10.17 06:00:19 pm I think you should use a jetty instead of a couple palisades. The palisades make the village look kind of trashy
Warbringer User Offline 21.06.17 11:51:00 am Not much to do on this island, but it's still awesome I like it!
BLESSY User Offline 23.11.16 07:28:17 pm Thank you all for the encouragement and suggestions. I will these in mind in future.
YuriNikolai User Offline 14.11.16 06:58:45 pm Has room for improvement, like grass (As Rainoth pointed out) and smoother terrain, but looks nice
Mami Tomoe User Offline 14.11.16 05:46:42 pm Looks good yet I never played the game over 5 minutes in a row so I don't know how much effort was made into this, still nice! I like it!
Rainoth Moderator Offline 14.11.16 01:24:27 pm Looks okay, now add grass and trees so the ground feels less empty.