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9 comments89 kb, 535 Downloads

old Jurasik Island

Raptor bullier
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I switched the game into an action RPG. There are plenty of changes such as a training system, new damage system with criticals, two new skills (blacksmith and building), night vision... check the txt inside for a further explanation.
All the mod is focused on survive on the big random island in hard mode (infested with lions, raptors and sharks), so be awared that the game is pretty unbalanced for the adventure mode (still playable anyway).
Hope you enjoy it... I'm waiting your comments and ideas for (maybe) future releases. I'm gonna drop in here time to time in order to read them, so please, feel free to colaborate anytime.

PD: On a second tought was stupid by my side to upload all the game, since everybody can download it from the web. So, in order to keep the file size small and avoid the chance of virus, i'm gonna let only the files that i have modified. You must only copy on your own game and overwrite the original files. Remember to have a copy of the at hand, so you can return to the original one anytime.
edited 3×, last 26.10.16 07:09:25 pm
Approved by DC

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89 kb, 535 Downloads


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It all looks good. Night vision is skycolor 1,0,255,0; command I assume. Fancy stuff. I may steal some features for my mod in the future.
I like it!
edited 1×, last 17.06.22 03:55:20 am


Raptor bullier
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Well, Ithaline, you might be right. Lets gonna wait for the comments of some other players, but it is possible is the common thinking.
Look, just happens that when i entered in the hard mode of the big island i saw "endless game". And i tought that is not so at all. What you do with all the material you get? What you do after boost your skills to the maximal? Stay hunting without much sense. Maybe build a nice farm in middle of the island after destroy all the nest around. Not my style.
I tought that will be a lot of more fun:
1. Have an easy start right for the begining.
2. Get the more important stuff for a sustained hunt everywhere.
3. Rid off all these material bosting your skills.
4. Keep the interest in the raise of the skills allowing them go further the limit, downgrading them everyday.
And so you get not only the endless game but the endless jurasik hunt (of course dont destroy the nest so the prey is spawned every day). I admit my doing is pretty rude (the menus are not confortable), but, for me, the result is really fun and balanced. For the hard mode in the island i repeat.
Dont forget that this mode is an special one inside the game; is not intending to be realist or something, is just for fun. I take in account your opinion and im still open to new ideas that can be implemented in the mod (maybe plant nest around with material such as skins, tooth, claws, feather, etc so you get even more hunt every day??). Someone around knows if there is a limit for the nest (so spawning creatures) that the island can support?

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edited 1×, last 24.11.17 01:15:55 pm


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@user kerker: Put simply, you say something is shit without explaining why. That's not constructive criticism and thus a needless comment.
ZxC's English is so advanced that nobody understands him anymore

@user Raptor bullier: Sounds like a nice update. Can't say whether it's good or not just from description and screenshots, though >.<

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edited 1×, last 24.11.17 01:16:33 pm


Moderator Off Offline

It's advisable to post more than one screenshot of your file. This one literally shows nothing you stated in the description except for the night-vision. I'd be eager to test your mod however since I currently use Linux and there isn't a Linux port for SII I cannot do it so. You won't expect constructive criticism from me for that matter.

@user kerker: Telling there is something wrong with the file without, however, mentioning WHAT'S the badly part and how to fix it render your comment useless. Enough said and plain simple.


Raptor bullier
User Off Offline

Ithaline, you posted your comment just half hour after i uploaded the mod. Furthermore, at this time there are 0 downloads. Keeping this two things in mind, i apreciate it.

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edited 1×, last 24.11.17 01:15:21 pm
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