let me know if there's anything i should add, im open to suggestions as always.
What is this mod?
this mod was originally designed to make stranded 2 harder, but over the time iv added hundreds of logical recipes, for both items, and buildings.
and for the first time ever, version 6 allows you to choose recipe version (vanilla difficulty, but still has all of the recipes) and standard version (all of the difficulty tweaks, and all of the recipes)
V:6.5 update note: just forgot to add something in, so heres a small patch.


Change log
Update 6.5: 7th September, 2014
[just a small update this time, just forgot to fix something last patch :)]
changed: empty bottles can now be found occasionally on the shores of random islands.
Update 6: 7th September, 2014
changed: recipes (30 leaves + stone = water) (30 Grapes + Stone = wine) (30 berries + Stone = juice) and (Cacaofruit + Coffee Fruits + Stone = speed potion) now require 1 bottle.
changed: how much weight you loose from having butterflys (-500 to -100) i liked this system, so will keep it.
added: you get your bottle back after drinking wine/water/juice/potions
Removed- the music and jukebox that ended out not being finished. (result lowers download size)
Addded- the Arbalest (Crossbow) can now be crafted several more ways... branch to bamboo, cord to vine...
Added- Many of the buildings have gotten alternate recipes in this update
Changed- All of the buildings now have thier own building folder, this way its more tidy, something i thought was needed when i added alternate building recipes.
Changed- sleeping without shelter is now 0 to 40 dmg whereas before it was 10 - 50 dmg... bit easier...
Update 5: 11th January, 2014
Its been a little while since my last update
a little more then a month... honestly i can't think of much more to add to the mod
suggestions please!
- this update i was listening to some lovely classical music, hours streight, earily in the morning... i decided to dedicate this update to Beethoven.
changed- mod file size has been decreased (some of the music i had imported has been compressed.)
added- Iron Arrow Head (replaces "iron" in the "Iron Arrow" recipe) to craft it- hammer + iron
added- Sharpened Iron Arrow Head (can be used to make sharpened iron arrow) to craft it- hammer + iron arrow head
added- Sharpened iron arrow (it does more damage then iron arrow, making it the most deadly arrow.)
added- i finally decided to reintroduce the original game options in random game, (btw "easy" can now spawn lions on a very low chance, 12x less chance then "normal" to be accurate.)
added- scripts for an object called "radio" its adds 5 songs to a radio playlist which you interact with, i dont have the model for it finished yet, so its sitting in the sys folder.
Update 4: 9th December, 2013 (HAPPY 1,000 DAY ME!)
The title of this update is dedicated to my 1,000th day on Unreal Software...
What can i say? was great being here, and i hope to be here for yet another 1,000 days!
Im sorry this update isnt very fancy, but my computer wouldnt boot until yesterday...
Added- most tools & weapons can now be crafted with bamboo
Added- the 'Tent' can now also be crafted with bamboo
Added- the 'splint' action can now ALSO be crafted with branch + cord, Bamboo + liana, Iron bar + Cord
Added- the 'bind' action can now ALSO be crafted with skin + cord & leaf + Cord
Added- Item "Small Stone" is a throwable rock, that does near no damage, can be crafted by using stone & hammer or pebble & hammer
Added- Poison mushroom can now spawn in "moss" object, poison mushrooms are more frequent in random islands.
changed- I reduced the 'drinking at sea' penalty, as it was simply too much... reduced by 10 points.
changed- how much damage the player takes when hunger, sleepy, thirsty... increased by 5 points.
Changed- how much health the player has, i feel its still too high, reduced by 5 points.
changed- how fast the lion moves, we all know we all kite the lions to get the food, well no more! speed increased by .6 speed.
changed- how many scorpians spawn- 2x more frequent 1+ value on very hard, 3+ value on insanely hard.
changed- grape vines can now spawn in random maps
changed- the somewhat small and fast creatures move slightly faster (Kiwi, fish, piranha, monkey, ect.)
changed- i completely redone the hungry/thirsty/sleepy system, they now drain 2x faster then vanilla, in other words- slightly harder, jumping now tires WAY faster, and swiming, attacking and walking are slightly faster.
Fixed- I fixed a horrible bug that wouldnt allow the new building recipes to work proper... i didnt do the ID's right...
Added- A 'game' txt file that returns the hunger/thirst/sleepy ratings back to vanilla, this will make it a bit easier for those that dont like that option.
Version Note- I really wanted to have more uses for Bamboo, so Bamboo is now as important as the branch...
I also wanted to increase how regular you will find poison... so scorpions, and poison fungai are more common
Update 3: 27th Novemember, 2013
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'Shelter' building
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'Treehouse' building
Added- 6 varient building recipes to 'hut'
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'fishing net'
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'stance'
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'stone storage'
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'wood storage'
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'storage'
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'big storage'
Changed- the players jump is reduced slightly
Changed- the chance to light a fire from 30% to 20% this'll be a piss off!
Changed- players health is reduced slightly (to piss you off more :P)
Changed- decreased how much food heals player
Changed- increased how much poisonous food damages player
Changed- i worked on the random map gamemodes slightly... made it a bit harder, and added a discription.
Update 2: 19th Novemember, 2013
Added- Iron arrows, craftable in 1-10-25-50 stacks, and crafted with branch, feather, iron. ALT- iron, wood arrow ALT- iron, stone arrow (BTW sorry for the lack of new texture... not sure how its done...)
Added- larger raptor called "T-Rex" its two times harder, but three times more profitable (more loot) this will only be accessable to the editor... i dont care to edit this one further...
Added- three guns hidden in the editor, they're very OP'd but i dont care to edit them, they were only tests that i added to the version... i dont think its neccisary to remove either.
Changed- water breath meter has been changed to 20,000 max air, insta-death is still here.
Changed- i made the player exaust thirst & hunger a bit more...
changed- player take 15 dmg for hunger thirst & exaused apposed to the 10 dmg
Please dont winge if this mod is too hard
please note this mod is not meant to be realisticly hard... this mod is however meant for pros.
Update 1: 7th Novemember, 2013
changed- how very hard this game is- the player is given only 50% of his original health, he also exausts, thirsts, and hungers faster.
changed- players jumping is decrease slightly
changed- player now takes twice as much salt water effects
changed- how much player takes in maxium damage if not in shelter while sleeping- 10-20 to 10-50
changed- light cycles- the cycles were unrealistic... i made them a bit better.
changed- drowning system, you now take 100 damage from running out of breath- insta-death, you however get 25% more air
changed- most units have somewhat more health
added- 1-10-25-50 recipes to all of the ammo types.
added- Alternate recipes for all arrows- Bamboo + Feathers + poison = poison arrow for example.
added- Alternate recipes for all arrows- Wood arrow + pebble = arrow / wood arrow + poison = Poison arrow.
added- Alternate recipes for Bow, Slingshot, long bow, gold bow & Fishing rod they can now use both Liana & Cord.
added- 1-10-25-50 recipes to spear & claw spear, can also be crafted using bambo instead of branch.
added- 1-10-25-50 to 'stone to pebble' recipe.
Update 6.5: 7th September, 2014

[just a small update this time, just forgot to fix something last patch :)]
changed: empty bottles can now be found occasionally on the shores of random islands.
Update 6: 7th September, 2014
changed: recipes (30 leaves + stone = water) (30 Grapes + Stone = wine) (30 berries + Stone = juice) and (Cacaofruit + Coffee Fruits + Stone = speed potion) now require 1 bottle.
changed: how much weight you loose from having butterflys (-500 to -100) i liked this system, so will keep it.
added: you get your bottle back after drinking wine/water/juice/potions
Removed- the music and jukebox that ended out not being finished. (result lowers download size)
Addded- the Arbalest (Crossbow) can now be crafted several more ways... branch to bamboo, cord to vine...
Added- Many of the buildings have gotten alternate recipes in this update
Changed- All of the buildings now have thier own building folder, this way its more tidy, something i thought was needed when i added alternate building recipes.
Changed- sleeping without shelter is now 0 to 40 dmg whereas before it was 10 - 50 dmg... bit easier...
Update 5: 11th January, 2014
Its been a little while since my last update
a little more then a month... honestly i can't think of much more to add to the mod
suggestions please!
- this update i was listening to some lovely classical music, hours streight, earily in the morning... i decided to dedicate this update to Beethoven.

changed- mod file size has been decreased (some of the music i had imported has been compressed.)
added- Iron Arrow Head (replaces "iron" in the "Iron Arrow" recipe) to craft it- hammer + iron
added- Sharpened Iron Arrow Head (can be used to make sharpened iron arrow) to craft it- hammer + iron arrow head
added- Sharpened iron arrow (it does more damage then iron arrow, making it the most deadly arrow.)
added- i finally decided to reintroduce the original game options in random game, (btw "easy" can now spawn lions on a very low chance, 12x less chance then "normal" to be accurate.)
added- scripts for an object called "radio" its adds 5 songs to a radio playlist which you interact with, i dont have the model for it finished yet, so its sitting in the sys folder.
Update 4: 9th December, 2013 (HAPPY 1,000 DAY ME!)
The title of this update is dedicated to my 1,000th day on Unreal Software...
What can i say? was great being here, and i hope to be here for yet another 1,000 days!
Im sorry this update isnt very fancy, but my computer wouldnt boot until yesterday...
Added- most tools & weapons can now be crafted with bamboo
Added- the 'Tent' can now also be crafted with bamboo
Added- the 'splint' action can now ALSO be crafted with branch + cord, Bamboo + liana, Iron bar + Cord
Added- the 'bind' action can now ALSO be crafted with skin + cord & leaf + Cord
Added- Item "Small Stone" is a throwable rock, that does near no damage, can be crafted by using stone & hammer or pebble & hammer
Added- Poison mushroom can now spawn in "moss" object, poison mushrooms are more frequent in random islands.
changed- I reduced the 'drinking at sea' penalty, as it was simply too much... reduced by 10 points.
changed- how much damage the player takes when hunger, sleepy, thirsty... increased by 5 points.
Changed- how much health the player has, i feel its still too high, reduced by 5 points.
changed- how fast the lion moves, we all know we all kite the lions to get the food, well no more! speed increased by .6 speed.
changed- how many scorpians spawn- 2x more frequent 1+ value on very hard, 3+ value on insanely hard.
changed- grape vines can now spawn in random maps
changed- the somewhat small and fast creatures move slightly faster (Kiwi, fish, piranha, monkey, ect.)
changed- i completely redone the hungry/thirsty/sleepy system, they now drain 2x faster then vanilla, in other words- slightly harder, jumping now tires WAY faster, and swiming, attacking and walking are slightly faster.
Fixed- I fixed a horrible bug that wouldnt allow the new building recipes to work proper... i didnt do the ID's right...
Added- A 'game' txt file that returns the hunger/thirst/sleepy ratings back to vanilla, this will make it a bit easier for those that dont like that option.
Version Note- I really wanted to have more uses for Bamboo, so Bamboo is now as important as the branch...
I also wanted to increase how regular you will find poison... so scorpions, and poison fungai are more common
Update 3: 27th Novemember, 2013
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'Shelter' building
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'Treehouse' building
Added- 6 varient building recipes to 'hut'
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'fishing net'
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'stance'
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'stone storage'
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'wood storage'
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'storage'
Added- 3 varient building recipes to 'big storage'
Changed- the players jump is reduced slightly
Changed- the chance to light a fire from 30% to 20% this'll be a piss off!
Changed- players health is reduced slightly (to piss you off more :P)
Changed- decreased how much food heals player
Changed- increased how much poisonous food damages player
Changed- i worked on the random map gamemodes slightly... made it a bit harder, and added a discription.
Update 2: 19th Novemember, 2013
Added- Iron arrows, craftable in 1-10-25-50 stacks, and crafted with branch, feather, iron. ALT- iron, wood arrow ALT- iron, stone arrow (BTW sorry for the lack of new texture... not sure how its done...)
Added- larger raptor called "T-Rex" its two times harder, but three times more profitable (more loot) this will only be accessable to the editor... i dont care to edit this one further...
Added- three guns hidden in the editor, they're very OP'd but i dont care to edit them, they were only tests that i added to the version... i dont think its neccisary to remove either.
Changed- water breath meter has been changed to 20,000 max air, insta-death is still here.
Changed- i made the player exaust thirst & hunger a bit more...
changed- player take 15 dmg for hunger thirst & exaused apposed to the 10 dmg
Please dont winge if this mod is too hard

please note this mod is not meant to be realisticly hard... this mod is however meant for pros.
Update 1: 7th Novemember, 2013
changed- how very hard this game is- the player is given only 50% of his original health, he also exausts, thirsts, and hungers faster.
changed- players jumping is decrease slightly
changed- player now takes twice as much salt water effects
changed- how much player takes in maxium damage if not in shelter while sleeping- 10-20 to 10-50
changed- light cycles- the cycles were unrealistic... i made them a bit better.
changed- drowning system, you now take 100 damage from running out of breath- insta-death, you however get 25% more air
changed- most units have somewhat more health
added- 1-10-25-50 recipes to all of the ammo types.
added- Alternate recipes for all arrows- Bamboo + Feathers + poison = poison arrow for example.
added- Alternate recipes for all arrows- Wood arrow + pebble = arrow / wood arrow + poison = Poison arrow.
added- Alternate recipes for Bow, Slingshot, long bow, gold bow & Fishing rod they can now use both Liana & Cord.
added- 1-10-25-50 recipes to spear & claw spear, can also be crafted using bambo instead of branch.
added- 1-10-25-50 to 'stone to pebble' recipe.

Mod itself-
Added mods-
(none yet added.)
additional Music/sound-
Kevin McLeod - http://incompetech.com
Mod itself-
Added mods-
(none yet added.)
additional Music/sound-
Kevin McLeod - http://incompetech.com
because you can only have one upload per item in the file archive, you can get recipe/easy mode here.
Recipe Edition V:6 : http://www.mediafire.com/download/hc3aazrwj8nn3im/Stranded_II_HardCore_-_Recipe_Edition.zip
edited 4×, last 07.09.14 03:16:24 pm
Approved by Infinite Rain
14.10 mb, 1,259 Downloads