It includes 6 types of weapon, with description and manual below.
I tried to make maximum precise copies from MiB franchise, but i had to deviate from originals for some reasons.
Default pistol of any agent. Have average firepower. Shoot with laser projectiles.
Series 4 De-Atomizer
More powerful De-Atomizer model. Used by skilled agents for complicated missions. Shoots with semi-automatic mode, have more firepower and ammo.
Noisy Cricket
Really small weapon with a giant firepower! But recoil makes agent fly few meters away.
Tri Barrel Plasma Gun
On of the most biggest agency weapons, used only in most extreme situations, because it can vanish whole city block.
Reverberating Carbonizer
Prohibited alien weapon which uses mutating substance as ammunition. As known its rays affect target mind.
One of the default device used by agents. Makes a flash which can flush memories away for a selected ammount of time.
Thanks to @

Almost all sprites was from "Men in Black: The Game", other - resizes from google image search.
Have fun!
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620 kb, 655 Downloads