My logosPagyra User Offline 06.12.13 07:56:39 am Some stylish and detailed logos - 44 variation edited 3×, last 13.08.14 11:04:49 am Approved by Infinite Rain (05.12.15 03:08 pm) Download 66 kb, 764 Downloads
ign_ot User Offline 01.12.24 01:51:14 am Tell me how I can contact the author, he has been on the site sooo long ago, and does not respond to my emails. I like it!
Kamen User Offline 04.04.16 01:37:16 pm I LIKE THEM I like it!Admin/mod comment §4.4 - Titles/texts in capital letters are impolite and undesired
Pagyra User Offline 06.12.13 01:43:53 pm like those which i send you? edited 1×, last 26.01.14 10:03:55 pm
TheUnrealGamerz User Offline 06.12.13 10:06:38 am Very detailed, i hope you made it pixel to pixel, not edit from the original image. P.S: Can you make slender logos? I like it!