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English Carnage Contest Noir mod >

10 comments3.16 mb, 614 Downloads

old Carnage Contest Noir mod

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∗ ° ° ° ° INTRO:
Hello community
Dont know what affected me to make this gfx mod, but i really like the thing i made. (Using it btw). On the technical side of this question it's very simple, just colorless version of some images. But furthermore it affords a nice in-game looking. Look at screenshots for these. I also include link below for gallery with full-scale quality of screenshots, due to 100kb limit. (Damn, why not 200 atleast? -_-)

° ∗ ° ° ° ABOUT:
Small mod with a huge background after it. Why huge? Because of .bat file inside. I wanted to make installation process as simple as possible, now for you install/uninstall process is just hit 5 buttons: enter to launch bat file, 1 or 2 to select option, enter to confirm, press any key to back to menu, and select option to exit or launch CC.

Took hours to finish it, since it's my first experience with "programming" in a bat file, plus it dont says where i did a mistake, just quits so i need to find it all alone by myself
I also left some comments inside, if some one would want look into it o-o'

Plus, there is a small backup system in that bat file within installation/uninstallation process, so you wont lose any files at all.

Installation is really easy, you just need to unpack archive with gfx_noir and NoirMod Manager.bat into the game folder, after that, launch NoirMod Manager.bat and select an option which you would want.

To install, simply type 1, hit enter, and wait for it to finish. DONT INTERRUPT IT WHILE ITS WORKING! After mod installation, you will have gfx_noirbackup instead of gfx_noir folder, that because of backup system i mentioned before.

To uninstall launch bat file again and type 2, it will "roll back" all actions made while installing, and you will have original game, with gfx_noir folder containing mod files. And still, DONT INTERRUPT IT WHILE ITS WORKING! or you may lose files

More technical side:
Spoiler >

Made in Notepad++, for menu i want to say thanks to that manual:, and to this thing i found on some forum:, which helped me with file names, so i had a better file list. (Could not find how to replace by myself in Notepad++ :C)
P.S. Thanks to my friend Lekken for giving some advices & testing it \o/
P.S.S. OMG so much text, i hope there is not alot of grammar mistakes at all and didnt forgot anything.
P.S.S.S. If you want to use any contents of this archive, fell free but give me a credits then.

° ° ° ° ∗ MEDIA & COMMENTS:
>Stupid video featuring this mod
>Link to a gallery full of big sized screenshots. Maybe you'll want to see them.
edited 3×, last 21.02.14 01:57:24 pm
Approved by DC

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3.16 mb, 614 Downloads


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Noir = Black. French?
I like it!


Deleted User

Wow man, this installation is epic!

... Oh and mod is epic, too.
I like it!


User Off Offline

The grey shades change the appearance a lot. I like especially the explosions and the blood
I like it!


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@user DC: Thanks Yep, i noticed that too.
Thanks for the likes guys \o/


BANNED Off Offline

I was thinking about the shortage in our CC files today.
Finaly someone uploaded something.
I like it!


Admin Off Offline

I like how the blood looks even bloodier when nearly everything else is just gray. Cool.
I like it!


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Nothing really special, but I appreciate your work.


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Nice I like it!
I like it!
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