[CSP] Ducksauce remake -map-Alistaire User Offline 03.02.13 10:19:46 pm A remake of CSP_ducksauce with quite an improvement graphically. ---- It's a 6 - 12 player shotgun map. ---- Hope you like it, ~Alistaire edited 1×, last 03.02.13 10:20:35 pm Approved by Yates (22.12.15 03:31 pm) Download 132 kb, 457 Downloads
maPmaKer User Offline 08.02.13 10:32:29 am I love the sprites, they're just perfect. Nice use of shadows and lights. I like it!
Alistaire User Offline 04.02.13 02:38:50 pm @ Q-Q The map is 23*23, that's the size of most shotgun maps.
Q-Q User Offline 04.02.13 02:07:57 pm Good looking map, BUT Still to small for a schotgun game.. So me no like
Occasus User Offline 04.02.13 10:48:59 am Amazing shotgun map, players could even trap and shot them, or at least idle. Anyways, Like! I like it!
DevGru User Offline 04.02.13 09:13:43 am Agree with WinterPwnd, but the visual looks cool. I like it!
WinterPwnd User Offline 03.02.13 11:46:38 pm Realy nice looking. Imo the spawns should be in the oposite directions. I like it!