Stargate Symbols PackMatsu-Kiri User Offline 11.04.10 03:26:18 pm these are symbols of the famous system lords Anubis, Ares, Apophis, Ba'al, Heru'ur, and Ra. Ill have a new pack with lots more symbols and stuff in it later. made by SG Master Chief Approved by Infinite Rain (04.12.15 01:40 pm) Download 3 kb, 692 Downloads
Sonic 12xXTommy34Xx User Offline 19.11.14 05:00:59 am fuck Sonic 12 Admin/mod comment §5.2 - No advertisement, ref-links, clan threads and forum games
Matsu-Kiri User Offline 11.04.10 07:10:46 pm thank you. ill try to get all the system lord symbols soon.