edited 1×, last 22.02.08 03:46:47 am

8 replies

Uranium235 has written
are they any english mods for stranded 2? and is there something to open torrent files, i dont want to pay to open the torrent files...
There is no way to "open" a torrent since those are description files for the bittorrent p2p network., so you need a bittorrent client (like azureus or µTorrent) to use them.
I doubt that the massive mod torrent still gets seeded, but good luck...
Uranium235 has written
how do i extract it using azureus? i finished downloading the mod into the library, now wat do i do to extract it to the stranded ii folder?
Go into the Standard download directory and use winrar or something to unpack it. Depending on what you got you have to move the data either to your Stranded directory, or into the mods subdirectory within it.
Uranium235 has written
i tried to open it agiain with azureus, but it said it already exists... Could someone please give me detailed instructions...
*sigh* Look, Azureus has downloaded it to someplace on your system, but I don't know which, since I never used azureus on windows.
It probably is in your "My Documents" or in "C:\Documents & Settings\YourUsername\" , called "AzureusDownloads" or something. There should be an archive file or another directory containing an archive file in there. Open the Archive (and not the god damned torrent!) and extract it somewhere, then look what you got.
edited 1×, last 22.02.08 09:11:20 pm