
Running Slow?
9 replies


But on land, you can only drink the potion of haste or tame and ride a velociraptor (if there's one on the map).
There's still the possibility that the game just has a bad performance on your system and the video settings ought to be turned down. But I assume you can decide that from the actual walking speed.
Re: Running Slow?
Re: Running Slow?
Guestscript cheat.
player_speed 5 or 10 or 20.
can you help me to find solution?
P. S. I think a default speed of player is normal.
deactivate the grass and select a lower water quality and a lower viewrange if the game runs too slow.
Re: Running Slow?
GuestI am having the problem too. I always thought that it is normal speed, but then i downloaded stranded to my mom's laptop and everything was like 2x faster. I think the problem is with my integrated 32mb video card. Strangest thing is that from some point, it don't get faster. I lowerised resolution and everything else was on medium. However, even when i lowerised everything to low, nothing changed

The graphics did not lag (more than 60 FPS)
Although, my walking speed slowed down to the speed of a *snail* sometimes
I posted this problem as a bug a year ago, and DC said, that he can fix that easily, and that he has only been too lazy to do it.