
Pinguin-Adventure ?? Where?
10 replies

Like any other map, it has to go to the map folder, in this particular case it would have been /mods/S2Ext/maps

bizzle has written
There is currently now version of the pinguin adventure online, since the author has to redo it.
I think you mean no, do you?
But he promised it won't take much time 'til the update...
Midnight has written
I know, I have the Ext. Mod but I can't get the pinguin map to work...
That's because it's made for the 0.1.x.x-Releases.
It won't work on or higher.
Please wait till McLeaf announces a new version

Midnight has written
Where can I download Pinguin-Adventure
It will be avaiable soon (next days). Just testing for last bugs, and want to get sure, that there are no problems with the last updates of the s2ext-mod.
Note that this Adventure contains a lot of text (in german...). Unfortunately my english is too bad to think about translation...
Midnight has written
and where in the stranded folder do I put it?
You'll have to install the latest Version of Stranded and Extension-Mod, copy the archive in the Stranded-Folder and extract it.
(I hate Opera crushing down, while writing a post...