Post your maps here.
Here's my first map:
Download it here.
...Yes, I know it's Master Mind, but changing the name would increase the map's power.
After you win, you must go check the raptor's corpse and then find the "hidden" teleporter. edited 3×, last 29.06.07 03:28:20 pm
Admin/mod comment
This is now the general thread to post your custom maps into /EwokChieftain DC Admin
lol, Lucious the raptor. Very nice scripting
Actually it's Lucius.
I thank EwokChieftain for translating the Scripting Tutorial... and I thank my programming knoweldge.
What I don't thank is that I regularly forget semi-commas.
I was just typing a complaint about you not having posted this into the central map thread when I realised there is no such thread in the English forum yet.
I'll transform this one into it *edit*.
It's nicely done with the vanishing fences...
But the dying script for Lucius appears to be done unproperly:
On my first attempt(!), the green one died already when I had only 3 plates set correctly! That's because the last plate doesn't spark.
Pherhaps I'll post the latest, better version of the map in a few hours/minutes.
EDIT: Done. And now it's easier to insert the map. edited 1×, last 24.06.07 01:30:32 pm
can you upload the map again but not in the "e ships"? It's eSnips.
And I don't see any problem about it. dont you see the "broken link" website? -.- I see...
With a few magic words, I'll put it back in. I don't exactly get it....what raptors colors?? i tried all green but didnt work... Quote
I don't exactly get it....what raptors colors?? i tried all green but didnt work...
Think of it like mastermind. A friend of yours, for example, makes a combination of colors, while you must find out his combination.
So, the raptor chooses a combination randomly and you must find it out! It does not have to do with the raptor's skin.
E_net4 has written
Post your maps here.
Here's my first map:
Download it here.
...Yes, I know it's Master Mind, but changing the name would increase the map's power.
After you win, you must go check the raptor's corpse and then find the "hidden" teleporter.
So... If I should not have surveyed anything with your scripts, then there seems to exists an average probability of nearly 0.39 per cent to find the correct combination...!
So we do some mathematics...:
for the first stone we have altogether 6 different possibilities of selecting the correct color.
That results in a probability of 1/6 to have selected the correct color for the first stone.
For all four stones we therefore receive a probability of 1/6*1/6*1/6*1/6=1/1296 to find the correct combination (one try).
With 5 attempts thus we have a probability of 5/1296 - that corresponds approximately 0.39 per cent - to win this game.
Apart from this fact there is no strategy to win the game, except a coincidental choice of the colors.
Which is missing concretely, is the possibility to get an indication whether a color is correct, but at a wrong place or whether [B]a color is correct and at the right place[B].
Maybe you need to take a look here?
So, don't let me be missunderstood, your idea is quite good. But it still needs a little correction.
PS: I have to excuse my bad english...
Thank you for trying my map.
I do believe you have seen that the plates with the right color sparkle. So this doesn't go to that probability of 0.39%
Imagine if there were 5 colors. You would always win, because you could try out every single color for all of the tries. By knowing which plates have the correct color, it's not reasonable to put in 5 colors only.
I decided to put on 6 colors instead. It isn't much of a difference, but it won't let people do the "all color check" trick.
And I do know the sparkling plate with the right color isn't usual in Mastermind. With more code I could make it more like the original rules, but it was intended to be this way.
I'm still trying to catch an idea for another map. Stay tuned. Well, it's time for me to check your maps. E_net4 has written
I do believe you have seen that the plates with the right color sparkle.
Indeed I hadn't seen it... 
So this hint should make the problem a little bit easier to solve.
E_net4 has written
I'm still trying to catch an idea for another map. Stay tuned.
Some time ago I thought about the possibility to realize a game like Chess or Draughts... Whereby the rules of Chess are surely too complex.