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English sv_remote

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old sv_remote

Moderator Off Offline

this is directed at the cs2d developers:

I've read about sv_remote and sv_remotepw and i was just wondering if these commands are implemented in the current cs2d?

if tho, can u give more detail on how to use this for remote client-server management because ive noticed that all it does is sends a msg into the server, im not even sure if the server receives it

old Re: sv_remote

Admin On Online

it does work... at least with commands which do not need parameters.

how to use:

- start a server
- type: sv_remotepw yourpw

the server is now able to receive remote commands. a server without remote password will not accept remote commands. you will see incoming in the console.

- join the server (the one where you set a remote pw)
- type: sv_remotepw yourpw command

the command you enter will be executed at the server. unfortunately the server ignores parameters so this feature cannot be used to set the server password or change the map or something like this.
but you can use at least sv_ff, sv_fow and sv_warmode with it

I never cared about this feature because I never developed a real dedicated server for cs2d and so there is no need for a remote control.
edited 1×, last 15.06.07 11:59:54 pm

old Re: sv_remote

Moderator Off Offline

oke, no wonder i couldn't get it to change map, thnx tho

but another question, is it posible to kick/ban a number (not the whole IP) using the sv_remote

old Re: sv_remote

Admin On Online

I think it ignores any type of parameter which would mean that this is not going to work. but I'm not sure.

old Re: sv_remote

Moderator Off Offline

oke, so since the sv_remote doesnt take in a parameter, and kick needs a "dynamic" (sorta :P) parameter, this will not be processed into the server, i got it

PS: u shud make a high level scripting language to work with cs2d :P, jk
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