
The menu supports utf8 characters!!


I sometimes miss/forget things. Sorry about that.
Also which hook should I use for a closed loop of a player connection?
Which connect hook will always end with the disconnect hook?
EDIT: Please make DirectX the default option instead of OpenGL, OpenGL is way so laggy that is very unplayable. or at least fix the issues with them.
edited 3×, last 27.11.21 05:24:25 pm

OpenGL seems to work fine, DirectX is less consistent graphics device on BlitzMax.
Did not have any lags on OpenGL or DirectX, so that could be driver related issue? There were no changes that could have affected performance.

Also which hook should I use for a closed loop of a player connection?
I'm sorry but I have no idea what you mean. Can you please clarify?

Which connect hook will always end with the disconnect hook?
Not sure if I get that question right. For net players, hooks should be invoked in that order

- game play here -

I also documented all of this when you look at the hooks.
Most likely


I'm not sure what exactly you're talking about about.
I mean that if a player dies whilst the round is still initialising (between endround and startround), the round hooks will mess up.
This and more issues were explained here.
You also forgot to add

And here is a list of things that were still not fixed.

And I suppose these weren't fixed either: https://www.unrealsoftware.de/forum_posts.php?post=327548&start=1900#post430089

Also which hook should I use for a closed loop of a player connection?
I'm sorry but I have no idea what you mean. Can you please clarify?
Which connection hook will always call the leave hooks?

So, currently, to get a closed loop, I'm using the

Also, @

Ah, I see.

Which UI glitches? Are they new in CS2D I don't think I changed anything UI-related. Not sure if

edited 3×, last 27.11.21 09:26:37 pm

Mami Tomoe: I did not forget post_endround. I decided not to implement it because of possible problems and complications and because I just didn't want to invest more time for this update. Please understand that it is impossible for me to fix all reported bugs or to implement all requested features. I don't have enough time (or motivation) to take care of everything.

I completely understand.
I just wanted to bring those up so you can at least write them down somewhere for whenever you wake up in a bug hunting mood or something

But, I needed one of the following to solve the rounds bug.
Either the bug gets solved, or the hook gets added so I can artificially fix the bug.
As it currently stands, the bug cannot be fixed unless I use timers with the new

And I don't really know if that's a good idea.
These are the glitches using a STEAM client on a 64 bit Windows 10 computer.
Also, on higher resolutions, opening the console won't always have the scroll bar at the bottom, which is tedious because I have to scroll down every time.

Probably used somewhere, but UI does not reset it before use.
Line width is used in tesla coil.
This might be what @

Found issue @

in TeslaCoil.bmx there is line
Probably resetting it to 1 after the use solves the issue.
Can be patched easily.
I know this isn't the place, but the kick screen is a lot more detailed than the ban screen and this just doesn't make any sense.
