Steam bans were not saved properly & USGN bans were also saved as Steam bans
English map voting localization said "sever" instead of "server"
Starting a server via commandline set the map to "" when no map was specified in arguments
Crash when using Lua "tween_frame" on dedicated servers
Crash when using "killplayer" command with no or bad player ID parameter
Issues when exceeding string length limit of 255 chars in some commands (new limit: 400 chars)
Lua command "tween_rotateconstantly" did not work properly with very low speed values
Lua command "tileproperty" (get the property value for a tile frame in the tileset)
Lua command "tween_animate" (constant frame animation for spritesheet images)
Lua hook "itemfadeout" (when item is being faded out)
"maptimeleft" parameter for Lua game command (returns remaining time on map in seconds)
"tilesize" parameter for Lua map command (returns size of tiles in current map: 32 or 64)
"alpha" parameter for imageparam and object Lua commands (returns alpha transparency)
"name" Lua hook behavior improved for delayed player name changes
hudtxt/hudtxt2 ID limit raised from 50 to 200 (IDs 0-199)
Updated cursors.lua example to use player command instead of deprecated reqcld approach