Admin/mod comment
Removed attention whore unicode stars from title /DC Honestly, I miss playing in TGV servers, those were amazing servers full of people and i love playing ctf..but now its just full of rp knob wankers in it SQ Moderator
eye sore: game engine is out of date + old graphics
repetitive: game mechanics gets boring fast
not enough of linux/mac support
no progression system tied up with competitive/standard game mode
no singleplayer / coop
If you look at nowadays game industry, expectations are high even for free games. A very cool RPG mode like Tibia but with a GUI would be good to spend at least 2 hours on it per day. I consent to play it, surprisingly.
However, it must be quite easy to interact and understand things. Killing monsters shouldn't be different than the old Tibia yet all the weapons should be balanced and hitting the mobs with a bow shouldn't be the only way that players are using.
What I mean by GUI is a plain inventory which is really player-friendly. I shouldn't be bothering much to equip my equipment or using my usable items like potions. And, yeah, there has to be a hotkey bar for potions and stuff like that too.
Last but not least, the mod should be written in a framework like yours, too basic and moddable yet again for other players like Tibia. Thus, it hopefully won't lag.
Gaios: Even though, like all the projects you left without finishing them, the same thing is most likely to happen over again. Nevertheless, perhaps making it even smaller would make the development shorter and finally, you won't be bored. edited 2×, last 12.10.18 02:47:48 pm
• What do you want to play in CS2D?
• What gamemodes are you looking for in CS2D?
• What is missing in CS2D? :
• What do you want to mod in CS2D? :
• Why this game is dying?
No enough support for competitive players (updates).
Sparty has written
Honestly, I miss playing in TGV servers, those were amazing servers full of people and i love playing ctf..but now its just full of rp knob wankers in it
Omg, yeah! I miss TGV too, those were the days!
I wish the game itself got the player numbers it once had, specially in Construction, it was so fun to build bases and capture flags in nearly full servers. I want to play a construction server.
I am looking for construction gamemode.
Construction servers are missing in CS2D.
I want to mod a construction server.
It's dying because people don't play construction mode.
I want play competitive(ranked) mode in cs2d...!
When i play counter strike global with bots, it have some fun, but when i play counter strike 2d with bots nothing fun, CS2D Bots Script Bad... What are the TGV Servers? Any videos or screenshots? @
Gaios: not sure about videos but I remember it being a clan by
Lee which had multiple servers, including one of the most popular and best Construction server. Over the years many users have tried to unsuccessfully revive the clan. I actually miss rewards construction. @
SQ: But there are many singleplayer/coop maps uploaded here on usgn
medeiros has written
Gaios: not sure about videos but I remember it being a clan by
Lee which had multiple servers, including one of the most popular and best Construction server. Over the years many users have tried to unsuccessfully revive the clan.
So what was special at the CTF server? What features? Hmm
Gaios: There probably was no any special but were many players who are almost new to the game and still try to figure things out. This is what makes them miss those servers which will never come back.
Anyhow, if you still seek any feature for a CTF server, as you all know already, there have been this:
Dynamic Achievements and Statistics Script (2.0) (80). So, don't you ever see a single hope behind CTF servers since even that masterpiece couldn't do something memorable in the long-term. Although, it had a good job. mrc User
Thats all crap, people suggest stuffs and when we do it for them nobody plays, hypocrites.
mrc has written
Thats all crap, people suggest stuffs and when we do it for them nobody plays, hypocrites.
Admin/mod comment
Gaios has written
medeiros has written
Gaios: not sure about videos but I remember it being a clan by
Lee which had multiple servers, including one of the most popular and best Construction server. Over the years many users have tried to unsuccessfully revive the clan.
So what was special at the CTF server? What features? Hmm

Basically what
Masea said.
It had good pings, good administration and, most importantly, an active community. That latter thing is what CS2D desperately needs.
mrc has written
Thats all crap, people suggest stuffs and when we do it for them nobody plays, hypocrites.
Mostly true but not everyone. I play almost every single day, morning and/or night. I'm a moderator at a few servers and try to keep the players entertained and the servers busy. CS2D is slowly recovering from the massive loss of activity after the Steam hype ended but every day you just face the same batch of good players mixed with newbies that will uninstall the game in a matter of no time. The Iron Tower is missing when will this cool server ;-; Story based mod in cs2d is interesting and fun, like horror or another else.
I have tried to make it on OW, but it still not good The jail servers are very good, on the other hand the error of cs2d is that it does not have its own servers.
my servers were online for quite some time, to be more accurate for 2 years, and the truth was that they always had players, on several occasions 32 players joined, sometimes on 3 servers at the same time.
what I mean is that if cs2d had servers always online without interruptions, they would always have clients.
the client always looks for a favorite server which enters as if by instinct, at the moment that server is closed the player leaves cs2d.
if they want to accumulate players do what I say

@DC open some original servers and never close them. edited 2×, last 20.10.18 03:03:44 am