Steam achievements, Steam overlay and login are already implemented (Win client only) but disabled in this build, as the game has not been put online on Steam yet.
You can get CS2D at
U.S.G.N. password file related console errors when not having entered any U.S.G.N. password
Lua hook "log" was not invoked with actual log text when equal subsequent logs were bundled
Turret range was too small for the new widescreen game resolution
Low quality smoke grenade particles were drawn under the player
Toilet and sink objects were disappearing near the screen corners
FPS influenced Animations, projectiles, particles and effects speed
20ms player input delay
Shutdown when then the game reached low fps
Losing connection when loading advanced radar
Crash when using non-default sound drivers
After tabbing out and returning whole game was hidden by radar texture
Flashlight freezing after player death and other circumstances in the map
Screen flickering and game freeze when using radar (OpenGL)
Game showed error when loading gfx/buildings.png under certain circumstances
Projectiles disappearing after landing on obstacles
English translation is now hardcoded in game binary, fixing some bugs when no translation is present
Mapcycle commands were not handled properly when they contained strings with { or }
equip command now works properly with armors
strip command now works with armors (armor is set to 0 whenever stripping any armor)
Changing a huge number of tiles at once with settile should not trigger disconnects anymore
Critical error with logbatch setting having no effect at all
Crash when config.cfg file is missing
Crosshair now scales smoothly (with float instead of int precision) if ch_autoscale is 1
Optimized low-detail fog
Better and smoother hostage skins
Player is drawn over obstacle shadow
Wall cast shadows over obstacles
Lighting engine version 3.0 (greater performance and more detailed lighting effects)
Console warning message when map background files are missing
Player health in spectator HUD is now colored (green/yellow/red depending on value)
Improved scoreboard with 2 columns, more icons etc.
Camera movement in spectator follow mode is now more smooth
FPS lock increased from 50 to 60
Some UI elements are now anti-aliased
Chat text length limit is now 35 characters
Profiler has a better UI
Pressing ESC now closes the console if it is opened
Map cycle (sys/mapcycle.cfg) is now cached and only loaded once when loading a new map as server
Server list is now sorted by players on server by default (instead of latency)
Better vote menu which shows current number of votes and maps which can be voted for
You can now votekick for players of all teams (except spectators)
Now also the player hosting a listen server can participate in voting
"Offline / LAN" option renamed to "Hide Server (unlisted)" to clarify its meaning
Triggers glow influences lighting
Already selected text inputs do not flash anymore when clicking them again to place the cursor
Spectator interface is scaled along with hud scaling parameters
Player spectator button now displays health and armor icons
Mouse option "Filtered Crosshair" for selecting drawing mode between masked and alpha blending
Voice Chat option: "Mute all when joining server"
"Restore Default" controls button in the options
Crosshair size selection and preview in the options
Hud messages text shadow
SteamID bans
Scoreboard context menu (open with right mouse button)
Background for death notice messages that highlights your kills
Server Commands: sv_assist
Server Commands: sv_mvp
Command: sb_avatars
Command: sb_shortcuts
Command: sb_id
Command: sb_score
Command: sb_assists
Command: sb_death
Command: sb_ranks
Command: sb_ping
Command: sb_mvp
Command: sb_flags
Command: sb_mutevoice
Command: sb_hidehud
Command: sb_maxresolution
Steam and U.S.G.N. avatars in the scoreboard (Steam avatar has a priority to be shown over USGN)
Lua commmand "player" now has "steamid" and "steamname" parameters to get information about connected Steam user
Lua commmand "player" now has "mousex" and "mousey" parameters to get cursor position in 850*480 view space
Lua commmand "player" now has "usgnname"
Steam login state is now displayed in the main menu
File cache for avatars, radarmaps and minimaps (does not download/generate same files multiple times)
Voice chat
Script command setweapon now also accepts item names instead of type IDs only (like equip, strip & spawnitem)
Non-rotated 3D tile property wall textures option in tile properties
UTF-8 Support for team chat
Customizable size for hud symbols, texts and icons
Customizable size and scale for radar
Map transfer shows additional loading bar for overall files progress
Advanced - Simple radar support radar color settings
hud_autoscale option (enabled by default)
ch_autoscale enables automatic pointer scaling
ch_manualscale scales cursor by the value (when using ch_autoscale 0)
Higher resolution hud symbol, numbers, radar and icon images
Spark effect for knife and machete when hitting walls/obstacles
Spark effect for laser
env_light rotation offset property
env_room position offset property
env_room color transparency property
env_sprite "affect lighting" property
Bomb planting animation and sound
Dynamic recoil server filter
Error log output when saving stats fails
Lua command "game" now has a "sysfolder" parameter (gets the used sys folder)
Masked/filtered blending mode option for pointer
Optional detail minimap
Lua hook "vote" can now use return to cancel vote actions
logmaxflushrate setting (how frequently in millseconds can logs be flushed = written to drive, default 1000 ms)
Info_OldRender hidden from editor entity list because it's deprecated and not working properly anymore