
make it so
13 replies

Why should DC allow multiple accounts on the same email address, if having multiple accounts is forbidden? It is not allowed to register an additional account. Only one account per person is allowed.

The German section. Everyone speak English. 

English is germanic origin

- Email address (only visible with login) -
- Email address (only visible with login) -
These both are the same e-mail and share the same inbox, yet are considered different when registering because sites do not check for such things.
so it is possible (not allowed though) to register multiple accounts per email on

1. Please choose better, more expressive titles in future
2. Please post in the right Language section (moved to English section)
3. What exactly do you mean? You want to specify more e-mail addresses in your account? For what reason?

Yandex has even more working domains for e-mails:

..and it's forbidden.
Edit: lol
edited 1×, last 15.04.17 01:00:24 pm

Nevermind, as other people stated having multiple accounts in one single E-mail is prohibited. Read the Rules page if you're unsure.