The Guy: 1 vs 1 please
Other Guys: No
The Guy: Be a pro player and come 1 to 1
Other Guys: Cry
The Guy: Fuck you piece of shit
Other Guys: hahahahaha
and then that guy die, after that those guys still killing him by team working, after that the guy was full of rage, and he used a hack, (NB: he hate hacking). and then he got banned
after that i know there are some guys worse that hackers, like campers & team workers
but i don't say hackers are not bad, i hate hackers too much but when i was playing iran town, a hacker joined, i killed him more than 10 times, and i savaged him, but i can't even touch team workers because they are the maximum level of noobing as i see, and campers, alot of guys got banned for camping in all servers in cs2d
Simply i see 2 reasons make you hack:

1. You are actually noob or want some fun ( hacking for fun make you noob too )
2. You got savaged and killed and insulted by noob campers and noob team workers who can't play alone face to face, and that a reason make alot of guys hacking ( this reason make you hack because you will be full of rage and don't use your mind, simply you just want to kill them, whatever will happen )
SORRY for my bad english
Admin/mod comment
Seriously stop creating multiple accounts, you're not helping anyone. Thread trashed + account perma.banned. /