Also had to change the title from "Minecraft CS2D Helper" to "Minecraft CS2D Multitool" because "help" is not allowed in titles... you should fix that.
Dear Unreal Software users,
Today i want to introduce my new program, i worked on since some months.
It's called "Minecraft CS2D Helper"
Minecraft CS2D Helper is a small executable file, which helps you organizing your inventory, connecting with your friends and browsing the serverlist in-game. I'm also planning on including some more features but for now they're still in alpha version.

Main feature of "Minecraft CS2D Helper" - Helps you organizing your inventory, setting preferred weapons and finally stops the struggle that you always get a wrench first if you binded "knife".

Shows if your USGN friends are playing CS2D and on which server they're playing. Will also include a chat & a voice chat feature in the future.

Not much to explain here.


Virustotal: click me
DOWNLOAD: click me

Hope you enjoy my work!
- Aesthetic