edited 6×, last 24.12.15 07:07:19 am

18 replies

edited 1×, last 23.06.15 07:41:09 pm
edited 1×, last 24.12.15 07:08:09 am
edited 2×, last 24.12.15 07:09:55 am
Admin/mod comment
He meant that you shouldn't use translation tools but you just used one to reply his post. /Starkkz

Scripting language?
edited 1×, last 23.06.15 07:53:54 pm
Admin/mod comment

Btw. If this is a serious anticheat/hack tool you're creating it might sound well, but you didnt even gave any proper informations on how it will work.
edited 1×, last 24.12.15 07:10:32 am
Admin/mod comment

edited 1×, last 24.12.15 07:09:08 am
Ohh and yeah @ZxC every players will have id by this anti cheat tool, Detected Cheaters will be global banned
I remember when all cs 1.5 servers were using sxe
edited 1×, last 23.06.15 08:42:52 pm

But if it's true then the LuaJIT + Sockets and the anticheat on the server side will play out nice together.
y8s has written
Scripting language?
and yeah
The Gajos has written
It seems to me that he only pretends.