hey laser clan leader why you not by a user? and i have a new map soon to download. with kill zone,hide guns and stuf,air port,tempel and much more! because i dont wanna give my E-Mail! o boy
ah ok ty
Laser clan leader has written
because i dont wanna give my E-Mail!
that's a stupid reason.
You can let your email got hidden by the right settings for your account, and DC won't tell it arround. bizzl has written
Laser clan leader has written
because i dont wanna give my E-Mail!
that's a stupid reason.
You can let your email got hidden by the right settings for your account, and DC won't tell it arround.
laser clan leader doand wand to show i't. laser clan leader know that about dc mcqween has written
aser clan leader doand wand to show i't. laser clan leader know that about dc
uhm, sure. nice spellings. did you even UNDERSTAND what I am talking about?
That he doesn't have to show his email adress since it can be hidden by option in the account settings? WTF?!?!?!?!?!
any way to not have to even show it(if thats how...TELL ME!) Laser clan leader has written
any way to not have to even show it(if thats how...TELL ME!)
Honestly, that's sad. You do not understand how to Hide your Email?
It's as clear as DAY. When you Edit your profile...
Seriously, learn something.... He would have known if he had registered himself
Dicker has written
He would have known if he had registered himself

@Laser: there's really another way to get it without using your fav email adresse: get another email at some freemail service (hotmail or so, don't know many english services, sorry)! lets get back on topic,have any maps 2 post?
i already came up with a S2 and S1 map! hello?
we need maps here!
lol... Admin/mod comment
People can't post maps if they don't have maps. Spamming around won't change this, so stop that. /HW bizzl has written
mcqween has written
aser clan leader doand wand to show i't. laser clan leader know that about dc
uhm, sure. nice spellings. did you even UNDERSTAND what I am talking about?
That he doesn't have to show his email adress since it can be hidden by option in the account settings?
wher? i can't see cmon...cmon...maps
i already have 3!
try mine please! Admin/mod comment
STOP to push this thread! And DON'T ignore mods/admins! Otherwise your further posts will be deleted. /HW will you see the mod coment or not! well,did anyone try MY map?
its good,with lotsa stuff!
im workin on a CS2D mappack already!
yah try the map i put at top!