So you didnt read my last post...
This video is not supposed to be funny.
Except you didn't say that.
This is what you said...
I've just been suprised that anyone would take this shit serious. I mean i even added hitsounds and people still don't get it.
This video is not really supposed to be funny. Just wondering if anyone takes my videos that serious this time.
This video is not really supposed to be funny. Just wondering if anyone takes my videos that serious this time.

Don't quote out of context, context matters.
The statement, "This video is not really supposed to be funny. Just wondering if anyone takes my videos that serious this time." is untrue because, if you watch the video and have even the slightest sense of humour, you will easily note that the video is trying to be funny.

It's dedicated to those people who take my videos serious. They should notice by themselves that this isnt serious at all. Because everyone knows that deleting system32 will rek your pc.
Then in that case, I assume that you're claiming the video is satirical.
But what is the point of it?
The main reason why you made those shitty "irony" videos about "Being pro in CS2D" is because you wanted reactions from people who are too fucking mentally handicapped to see the irony.
Also, "They should notice by themselves that this isnt serious at all." is weird because...
This video is not really supposed to be funny. Just wondering if anyone takes my videos that serious this time. 

You should focus on the message behind it. Not on the "joke". I guess the text at the end of the video says enough.
There is no fucking message behind it, it's just a shitty attempt at comedy/satire. The text at the end of the video isn't even funny nor informative.