Thats pretty much the secret.

How to become a pro in CS2D
36 repliesThats pretty much the secret.

I tried that and I m very pro now and my fps is 50-48 

Gj m8! Some people already reported a bug. The blackscreen is a side effect that sometimes occurs. Just ignore it and you'll be fine.

Old joke. Slowpoke.
Sry, ran out of LSD.
Shit man that's some serious problem you got there. If you are ever in the Netherlands, I shall with no regret hand you a bunch of XTC to ease the pain.
It's hard to come by LSD were I live. XTC is around the corner.

Keep going,its great.I loved it and here is your

Thanks m8. I'd appreciate that a lot!

Oh wait it works

I deleted System32 and then my CS2D suddenly said "Stop using overused jokes and be original."
Read the comments and you'll know why i used this joke.

Maybe if you have been more humorous and original, I would understand the point of the video.

SmD: All I see in the in the comments section: two guys playing along the joke (one of which whom you told to commit suicide), a few others who are too mentally challenged to comprehend the video, and the rest is just random unintelligible gibberish.
Maybe if you have been more humorous and original, I would understand the point of the video.

Maybe if you have been more humorous and original, I would understand the point of the video.
I've just been suprised that anyone would take this shit serious. I mean i even added hitsounds and people still don't get it.
This video is not really supposed to be funny. Just wondering if anyone takes my videos that serious this time.

5seconds of random thinking I found this
SmD = Suck ma diq Asdfghjklahehuwhyehys

SmD: All I see in the in the comments section: two guys playing along the joke (one of which whom you told to commit suicide), a few others who are too mentally challenged to comprehend the video, and the rest is just random unintelligible gibberish.
Maybe if you have been more humorous and original, I would understand the point of the video.

Maybe if you have been more humorous and original, I would understand the point of the video.
I've just been suprised that anyone would take this shit serious. I mean i even added hitsounds and people still don't get it.
This video is not really supposed to be funny. Just wondering if anyone takes my videos that serious this time.

I'm not taking it seriously, I know it's a joke.
What I'm trying to point out is that your joke isn't funny and it's overused. Be original.
Oh look, I know I shouldn't delete System32 and tell others to delete it. Wow, I'm so smart and funny. I'm such a badass.
Just because a bunch of cringey individuals claim that it is funny doesn't mean that it isn't a humorless pile of cringe.

SmD: All I see in the in the comments section: two guys playing along the joke (one of which whom you told to commit suicide), a few others who are too mentally challenged to comprehend the video, and the rest is just random unintelligible gibberish.
Maybe if you have been more humorous and original, I would understand the point of the video.

Maybe if you have been more humorous and original, I would understand the point of the video.
I've just been suprised that anyone would take this shit serious. I mean i even added hitsounds and people still don't get it.
This video is not really supposed to be funny. Just wondering if anyone takes my videos that serious this time.

I'm not taking it seriously, I know it's a joke.
What I'm trying to point out is that your joke isn't funny and it's overused. Be original.
Oh look, I know I shouldn't delete System32 and tell others to delete it. Wow, I'm so smart and funny. I'm such a badass.
Just because a bunch of cringey individuals claim that it is funny doesn't mean that it isn't a humorless pile of cringe.
So you didnt read my last post...
This video is not supposed to be funny.
It's dedicated to those people who take my videos serious. They should notice by themselves that this isnt serious at all. Because everyone knows that deleting system32 will rek your pc.
You should focus on the message behind it. Not on the "joke". I guess the text at the end of the video says enough.