Free VPS Host
Free VPS Host
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I need Free VPS. Caused i dont have Router. I only need this
More than 0.999GB. Nobody can help you about that. Go to buy a cheap one. Why should we google for you? Is one VPS host is below 10USD?
These VPS Are Fast With No Reg.
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We've got hundreds of these threads, what's the reason to post another one?
Unfortunately, there are less (maybe) free VPS hosters and some of them might be a scam so be careful.
Just use the Search function of the forum or just use Google if you want to about this. Just a quick note before I close this thread cause it's a multi thread:
You don't need to have a router to host a CS2D server. If anything, you only need internet. Actually, if you have a router it will make things more complicated. I was using wi-fi and couldn't host the server. After looking into it with another person, we found out that there's no way I can allow cs2d to pass without a certain password that I didn't know and would have needed to contact ISP for. Then I got cable and all is well. So ye. You don't need a router.