1. worst gameplay ever.
2.worst graphics ever.
3.there is no point if the gameplay is bad.
and scripts are worthless if gameplay is 0.
final result of the game(CS2D) =0
USGN result = 0.
and talking about stranded 2 and 1 .huh ?
they are both boring . you get bore after an hour or 2 .
stranded 3 will be also boring .
play this if you WANT TO PLAY FUCKERS -http://store.steampowered.com/app/203290
F2P game !
@user Rainoth: 1000 or more players playing this game ?huh ? !
what a joke.
you cant even run those games so shut up.
next generation has comed and this rotten players are still on 2D games.
poors hahahahahaha !

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