so below this you can see the clan info's , and servers too!
I do the theme on the forum as Grand Theft Auto theme because I did not find any CS1.6 Theme . but at least GTA one is great!

Mode : Deathmatch
Worldest Admin Scripts scripter! :@

Website : nonarch.at.ua

Mode : Standard
The Pacman Fan! : @

Website : nonarch.at.ua

Mode : Deathmatch
The RPG Space Adventurer!! : @

Website : nonarch.at.ua
Also , I added a poll for the guys that entered my server and see the one that got the most votes !! Also more servers will come .. using Pseudon Lua's , also Maps and more users files lua's would be used!.
The last answer that i've writed on the poll , If it's get more votes , I will make a new server then I'll add it to the poll! good luck!!
I vote for Pacman Modded Lua that are made by Raining Mammoths!! Enjoy!

Admin/mod comment