I went to the hotchills.org this day many times, but it always show this message, nothing more:
"Database Error
Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator."
Does anyone know, what's the matter? I wrote application, and I'm waiting for the answer, but site always show that message. Is this only site remaking or something like that?
www.hotchills.org is a website of CS2D server HC // Fun Yeah I get that error too, contact to Happy Camper. Message for you Aiste
5.2 - No advertisement, ref-links, clan threads and forum games edited 1×, last 07.03.14 01:16:05 pm
Admin/mod comment
- you just ignored at least 4 rules! Great! /DC i feel like a flame war is coming up... which i wont like to see I like how you think you are funny, you are not, you just make a fool of yourself.
You are not insulting anyone either, you just show us how immature you are. @
I have something for you.
Admin/mod comment
can i have something
pls I have something for you, @
nikolaXX: :
A banana that makes you puke