First, I will take an example class for my game-mod, so... game will have 4 primary class:
- Assault
- Heavy
- Recon
- Support
*Note: it can be change*
Then the so called "complex" start now... in "Assault" class, you can build your character/player in 2 or maybe 3 way (or you can call this is a "Mini-Class")...
So, when you choose faction then team, then class menu will apear, you will not spawn until you choose class (as an example above, we pick Assault class)
So, pick assault class you will recieve these item:
+ Original Assault: FAMAS, Knife, Grenade and 100% Armor.
- Mini-class 1 called "Combat": Machete, Flashbang, Tac-Shield. Special: Seath Suit
- Mini-class 2 called "Ranger": M4A1, grenade, medium armor - Special: RPG.
Then, after combat with enemy, you will recieve money $ as always... and from that, we start to upgrade our item. So, there are 2 way to build/upgrade:
*Note: Choose your mini-class careful, 'cuz when you're unlock a mini-class, you will not be able to unlock others mini-class until you 100% complete upgrading the one that you choose.*
Player need to unlock the mini-class first, it will take some $ to do that, after it, we start to build/upgrade our mini-class item/equipment.
So, I will take "Combat" class as an example. You will use your $ to upgrade item from the class, from part to part (weapon, equipment, armor...), you can choose which part you will upgrade first, that's all your choice. But all part must be complete before you be able to upgrading class special ability/equipment/item.
As a "Combat" class, you will have to upgrade these item first...
- Knife to Machete
- Grenade to Flashbang
- FAMAS to Tactical Shield
Before you can upgrade it special (or ultimate)
+ Special: Kevlar + Helm to Stealth Suit.
And when you're 100% complete upgrade a mini-class... now you're able to unlock other class... and do the same...
After finish upgrading 2 mini-class. Now you're able to change between 2 (or more) mini-class.
and the "Next-Gen Classes System" end here. If you have any suggestion or question, please reply.
P/S: I has this idea, but I'm not a Scripter, so... I need a hero to help me make this script and turn this "idea" into reality !
Thank y'all for reading this, thank you !