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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Multiplayer!? Fuck yea!

By the way, will old computers be able to support it? I mean I have a graphics card with 128 mb. So, I should be able to play it?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user -tony316- has written
Is it possible to make lakes and rivers on different heights with your system?
This is at least planned but I won't promise anything.

@user schattex: Of course. This was already part of Stranded II and it's actually a very important aspect of the game!

@user Jela331: I'll try to make it scale down as much as possible so everyone who was able to play SII should be able to play SIII as well. But again: I can't promise this. I'm just trying.
edited 2×, last 19.08.12 08:12:14 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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It's nice to see that you didn't try to make another minecraft copy.
How about the physics? Are you going to use a real physics engine this time (Or is there already one built-in in OGRE?)?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Reviewer Off Offline

I hope the physics will be better then, too. I mean you didn't even get fall damage, and you simply can walk up and down a steep mountain without jumping.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments


1. Use voxels
2. Image with new terrain could be Stranded III alpha
3. Think about new skybox (more realistic, maybe a little darker)
4. Make possibility to import Stranded II maps. It would be cool.
5. IMPORTANT! Map editor of course required, but it would be cool to make Adventure editor, meaning you click Adventure like in Stranded II and select default or user-created adventure
6. Change saves idea that they don't contain a whole map (smaller size, I would use it in my pro/Medieval mod for save-to-cloud function in GameSpot)
7. Ability to hide map in map selection menu, just like Adventure maps aren't displayed. It would be cool in custom Adventures (don't display all maps just the first to start Adventure)
8. More weather effects would be great (like sandstorm or tornado)
9. Crafting - Allow stack creating of e.g. arrows
10. Windows - make 'em movable & resizable

This is my top 10 list of features that would be cool I thought about sending it as PM but deicded to share with everyone. Feel free to reply what do you think about those.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC has written
user -tony316- has written
Is it possible to make lakes and rivers on different heights with your system?
This is at least planned but I won't promise anything.

I have an idea about that, you could make heightmap for water - so, land and water have different heightmaps. And I hope to see waterfalls!

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user Geez: This is NOT an idea thread (please read all the other answers in this thread and you'll know what I'm talking about)! Also you obviously didn't read the dev blog otherwise you wouldn't suggest voxels.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

user DC has written
@user Geez: This is NOT an idea thread (please read all the other answers in this thread and you'll know what I'm talking about)! Also you obviously didn't read the dev blog otherwise you wouldn't suggest voxels.

Then we will be able to suggest after the first version is released?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Finally stranded 3! Thanks alot, nice to know your still developing (or at least care more )

And for those asking when it will be released. read the FAQ

The FAQ has written
When will XYZ be done? When will it be released/updated?

We simply don't know it and we also can't estimate it! Unreal Software is just a hobby game developer and there are no strict schedules.So please do not ask! There will be no answer!
(XYZ = any game/program/... of Unreal Software)
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