
Well, to be honest I agreed with Zeroarcanus.
Oh for fuck sake. You know, sometimes I want to jump right though my computer and punch you in the face with a first of hypocrisy. Look at your own thread thankyouverymuch.

I took his advise and yeah, I've decided to only make something that makes me feel interested of it.
Isn't this exactly what iQu is doing?
Seriously, you two should use your common sense with this and think. No one knows all the fucking guns out there so no one can make them all if they would like to. iQu has very kindly made a thread for people that can suggest weapons, he can reject them if he does not like them, go to the older posts if you don't believe me.
Now both of you get over yourselves. iQu makes good quality weapons and you must respect he takes the bloody time to accept others requests and make them.
Back to the thread, may I ask when my LAW will be started or finished if already in-making.

As I said, I had a 1 week-ban and I was working on HD buy images, like this one:
Nope, it's not fake. Promise.
Also, the list looks like this:
- AK12 for AK47
- RSASS for G3SG1
- MK14 for SG550
- UMP45 for UMP45
- G36C for SG552
- LAW for RPG
- RSASS for G3SG1
- MK14 for SG550
- UMP45 for UMP45
- G36C for SG552
- LAW for RPG
I hate Revolvers, so I decided to make the S&W 500 later and since I already have a M4A1, the ACR has to wait, too. But still there's 5 weapons to make before your LAW, sorry.
If you need it for a mod you want to release soon or sth then I can start making it now.

I hate Revolvers, so I decided to make the S&W 500 later.
No problem.
Btw, for M3

Mossberg 590.