Found a bug: When In a non dedicated server, I cant drop molotov or HE, dont know what to do.

Found a bug: When In a non dedicated server, I cant drop molotov or HE, dont know what to do.
Re: CS2D Bug Reports
Deleted User
Re: CS2D Bug Reports
Deleted UserI already fixed this problem for the Win dedicated server and I'll also fix it for the Win client asap.
The bug shouldn't occur on Linux/Mac versions.
Thanks to everyone who helped me.

Launch cs2D.
Press Help then Entities.
Here you can find the basic of all enities in the map editor.
But I didn't found Trigger_if.
I hope I'm right.
Log file -> 5
When I try to print a string:
Log file -> (nothing)
Listen server has the same bug, if I'm not wrong.

Seems weird to me
Unicode character out of UCS-2 range