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English Which website is better?

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Poll Poll

Which SnipEy website is better?

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20 votes cast

moved Poll Which website is better?

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Hey all! I threw together a freewebs SnipEy website, and I'm wondering which one you think is better. No offense to Xiao! He's my LEADER! But, the username snipey was open, and I thought I'd try it out....

Anyhow, it's just started! There will be more content added, in case you were wondering.


Websites to vote on:

old Re: Which website is better?

User Off Offline

It's about time you fixed your site!! BTW: The song on the homepage is cool, but to repetitive! It gets really annoying.

Your site is better then it was before, but I still like mine better. Seriously, I'm not just saying that because I made it.

old Re: Which website is better?

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I don't care, you can give me info by emailing it too me. And then I'll put it on the my website. Then we wont need yours. √ Oops!! I left the look of my website on that ugly template, I forgot to change it! LOL, well, it's fixed now. Look again....

old Re: Which website is better?

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I dislike them both, because they are simply made by templates.
Also I have to agree with kamehan that freewebs make it even worth. There are juch better host for free out there.

old Re: Which website is better?

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freewebs sux bcaus:
× limited number of sites (5?)
× limited number of uploadable (?) files
× not enough options = ...
× freedom
× webspace = no comment
× always the same templates (3-4-5???)
× etc...

no really..i dont like freewebs but it's your choice
btw, i've started with freewebs too

old Re: Which website is better?

User Off Offline

freewebs sux bcaus:
not ok! limited number of sites (5?)
not ok! limited number of uploadable (?) files
not ok! not enough options = ...
not ok! freedom
not ok! webspace = no comment
not ok! always the same templates (3-4-5???)
not ok! etc...

no really..i dont like freewebs but it's your choice
btw, i've started with freewebs too ugly

Limited number of sites?? You mean pages?? There isn't a limit on websites or pages!!√

I think there is some sort of limit on uploaded files, but it's really high.√

I have tons of options! Plenty!√

No freedom? What do you mean? There's tons of freedom!!√

Actually you can make blog pages and guestbook pages, where people can comment.√

Actually there are TONS of templates, you've just only seen a few.√

Etc.∗ ∗∗∗∗√√√√

bizzl: Yes, if your going to do pointless flaming, then post links to better sites!×

Dicker: I'm not german (or whatever that language is) so that doesn't work. Sorry.

old Re: Which website is better?

User Off Offline

uhm..some years ago (2) i had a website at but
not ok! limited number of sites (5?)
not ok! limited number of uploadable (?) files
not ok! not enough options = ...
not ok! freedom
not ok! webspace = no comment
not ok! always the same templates (3-4-5???)

today i don't know what's goin on with freewebs
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