
its like if someone made food and gave it to u and asked "how is it?" and u said "bad"
but kept on eating is also sarcasm.
o and can u make me a moving one with a christmas hat. use the avatar i already have
but make it spin!

its like if someone made food and gave it to u and asked "how is it?" and u said "bad"
but kept on eating is also sarcasm.
o and can u make me a moving one with a christmas hat. use the avatar i already have
but make it spin!

i always explain sarcasm
now about the avatar
btw: this Softdrink is why I am called bizzl (even in real live), so this idea wasn't that stupid at all.

Robin has written
but why your real name is bizzl then? do your parents like bizzl softdrink?? 

NO! my real life nick is bizzl. My parents buy "bizzl" very often, we usually drink "Bad Brambacher" or this "Soda Club"-Stuff. It also isn't very often in the stores.
It was a little "mistake". I once had a bottle bizzl Apple Soda (or however Apfelschorle is called in english) in school. I didn't noticed the "bizzl", but my friends started to call me bizzl, cause it sounds like a odd version of my earlier nick, "Benni". I had to live with it, and later sticked to it, since it is also a great online nick. that's all.
First, they don't knwo me.
Second, There is no restriction saying that I can't use a name. I even can register it, as long as I stay out of Softdrinks

Third, It's actually only a Nick.
Forth, It's their own fault (I have witnesses!)
It would also be futile to "kill" every bizzl on the web, since I am not alone (though most others seem to be from America), perhaps even more futile then Nintendo trying to "kill" every McCloud and all "I am fox son/daughter"-people

the eye of the first one is now green, yellow and the second pink!...
hope you like it!

edited 3×, last 18.12.06 05:41:46 pm
please answer how did you make it?
it can do this: RGB > BGR, RGB > GBR etc.
RGB means RedGreenBlue.