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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user DC has written
I have no problem with that
Admins/moderators can be ignored as well but this has no effect.

(which means that you can add me to your ignore list but I'll still be able to send you pms )

Aw man! Haha just playing.

- MostAfa.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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u still have to put an url of website u did make the image in but my idea is to upload the picture from ur pc not from a website

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user DC has written
unreal software is not a 1 click image hoster. I really don't want to put all those crappy images on my server

ok maby it's not a good idea

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Apache uwu
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Hmm I think what would be awesome:

     You are in the middle of typing a post (file or thread), someone else posts a message before you, when you try to click submit or preview the server alerts you with a message like:

     "user:?? has made a post while you were typing, you should change your post in light of this."

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Apache uwu
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user Yates has written
Probably the best idea here would be mine, make DannyDeth a mod.

I'm sure if Danny asked he would be one, he's active, and the few who actually follow the rules. √

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user Apache uwu has written
user Yates has written
Probably the best idea here would be mine, make DannyDeth a mod.

I'm sure if Danny asked he would be one, he's active, and the few who actually follow the rules. √

Actually, I haven't been that active lately.

More importantly (and funny, of course, otherwise my account would have been hijacked): I don't follow rules, Bacardi for life.

EDIT: Yates, just because I occasionally help you with your Lua endeavours doesn't mean I will unban you if I were a mod. ;P ( You never know what people are thinking, right? )

user DC has written
get an IRC client and go to @

For the uninitiated Windows users: IRC = multiplayer notepad.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user DannyDeth has written
EDIT: Yates, just because I occasionally help you with your Lua endeavours doesn't mean I will unban you if I were a mod. ;P

You couldn't if you wanted to anyway. Only DC can.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user deletemepl0x has written
user Zins has written
• change the background of the website it's too dar and it's suck in the same time

You can use This if you don't like the green one.

You mad? if people(boys) come to this site and see's this pink? no way then More (F**king) girls will come
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