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English Map Style

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Poll Poll

What map style you use the most?

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6.67% (2)
1.82% (1)
0.61% (0)
0.91% (0)
33 votes cast

old closed Poll Map Style

User Off Offline

please vote for any map Theme you use when you make a new map
edited 1×, last 24.10.06 09:25:20 am

old Re: Map Style

User Off Offline

what tiles?
You're sure this is the right subboard?
Sounds more like Minigolf Maddness

old Re: Map Style

User Off Offline

yes, this is for Stranded 2, when you make a new map youll see some themes like snow, dessert etc.
and it is not tiles but style.
BUT your a little right because with style i mean Theme

old Re: Map Style

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Robin has written
yes, this is for Stranded 2, when you make a new map youll see some themes like snow, dessert etc.
and it is not tiles but style.
BUT your a little right because with style i mean Theme

You mean the highmap generation styles
I don't use them at all, except the default settings, since I always make my heightmaps in gimp, and the colormaps with the in build tool, or seldom, in gimp too.

old Re: Map Style

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Robin has written
N•, n• heightmap, bust textusre, and this is Stranded 2

would you please stop this images. it makes your posts hard to read.

First of all, I am talking about S2 too. like I said I make both height- and colormap on my own, simply generate a island and import the own and recalculate the other, and then do anything directly on the map. I'm fine with this since it gaves me full freedom of map design and the struct-map (which you can't change at all) fits with nearly everthing.
only using predefined stuff is futile whenever you try to make an archipel. You have to do the coloring on your own.

old Re: Map Style

User Off Offline

theme theme... i dont care i always make a dust theme or the snow is not bad at all

old Snow

User Off Offline

Ok! sure, i make snow themes too much times

old Re: Map Style

User Off Offline

but i have a problem i want to make such light im sooo sorry for the OT but nobody answered me when i writed it in another thread and..... i even edited a map but there arent entityes in this light so i dont see how to do it? just tell my this and i stop with this editor bullshits please Robin or somebody else
edited 2×, last 24.10.06 01:19:43 pm

Admin/mod comment

Don't use the img-Tag for big pictures! /HW

old Re: Map Style

User Off Offline

this is stranded 2 skiper

i dont know, probably it cant, sorry skiper

old Re: Map Style

User Off Offline

ah fuck i thout this is an cs2d poll im rely making a normal maps on s2

old get on topic


uhh,guys lets get back on topic!

old Re: Map Style

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EwokChieftain has written
The previous post had been more than <insert number here> months old!! Is it that difficult to look at the date?!
Stop always raising exactly the oldest, bottomost threads you can find! It is very annoying that that is how you express your will to have them...

...< closed >

I am getting tired of always typing the same crap only because you jackasses from that stupid laser clan are illiterate horsefuckers. So from now on I will just use the form above and insert some additional insults. Then it's not as much work.
Fine, isn't it?
Alright, here we go:

The bloody previous post had been more than 2 months old!! Is it that difficult to look at the date?!
Stop always raising exactly the oldest, bottomost threads you can find! It bloody pisses me off that that is how you express your will to have them...

...< closed >
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