All guys are male...
Captain Obvious to the rescue, mate.

i have 7 girlfriends on real life, i fu**ed them too...
Suuuuure. How can someone doubt such a claim, oh no, of course you have got 7 (oh yes, seven indeed!) girlfrieds, and no doubt you had sexual intercourse with each one of them. I won't be surprised to learn that you had sex with all of them simultaneously. Because of course you did, didn't you?
This is an odd idea in itself - as much sympathy as I have for the whole egalité thing, I, for one, cannot imagine women, let alone 'girls', on a battlefield such as that of Counter-Strike 2D. Of course, skinning goes as far as one's imagination does, but, well, that's a bit odd. Maybe some skinner (or skinners) will respond to your wish, though.