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English Message to admins and DC about spam

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old Re: Message to admins and DC about spam

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user cvx has written
You can't tell someone to leave the website because his files are bad.

That shouldn't need to happen, AT ALL. Users just need to know that their files aren't good and that they should either improve on them or make better files. The problem you get with the comments on files is that you get users which are complete fucking idiots who can't write criticism or are incapable of backing up their reasons of why something "sucks".

user cvx has written
but it's impossible to keep a forum clean without lots of moderators, cool updates

There are more than enough users on CS2D who are grateful that this game is free. I, for one, think that DC has done a good job with this game and I thank him for even allowing it to be free.

user KimKat has written
Alternatively we could encourage the users instead of complaining

And I'm going to agree with KimKat on this. We should be encouraging people to do good on here. The problem is that we do nothing which doesn't fix anything, not only does it mean it fixes nothing but it means that this kind of crap will keep on going.

user DC has written
do you want to support Unreal Software and care about those comments? I could make you a moderator then - but be warned: there's a shitload of this crap and it never ends.

At least it's a decent offer. And at least it'll take down some of the never-ending crap that is coming through.

old Re: Message to admins and DC about spam

made in Finland
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I suggest not to take it seriously and not to pay attention because any intelligent person can make his own judgment on the file.
It is true that that this forum is full of bitching assholes with too few exceptions. I've even wanted to share some websites and games on the forum but I haven't because those communities don't need more immature kids.

old Re: Message to admins and DC about spam

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user made in Finland has written
make his own judgment on the file.
It is true that that this forum is full of bitching assholes with too few exceptions. I've even wanted to share some websites and games on the forum but I haven't because those communities don't need more immature kids.

I know how you feel now we got a 5th Mod!

old Sage

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user Navy Seal has written
Well, you always have a negative attitude Phenixtri. Just man up and get the fuck over it. Don't be such an emo.

Double that. He should stop crying about everything.
user Sparty has written
I know how you feel now we got a 5th Mod!

And he is emo. That's just great. The only guy I hope for is Leiche. He is the only one of existing mods on this forum who can truly be moderator. Others are just emos, bastards and stuff like that.

old Re: Message to admins and DC about spam

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Actually I do agree with you, but you must know that simmon skins Are not resizes.
But you can't change every skingle person so make 'em stop being assholes, so we have to live with it.

old Re: Message to admins and DC about spam

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user oxytamine has written
He is the only one of existing mods on this forum who can truly be moderator. Others are just emos, bastards and stuff like that.

Not really. Lee, |jUSTiN| and Blazz have been hanging around the forums for quite some time (2-5 years), so they do understand how things work here, and I can't really find a single post in which they proved to be "emos, bastards and stuff like that". Why don't you try to come with evidence, provided you launch these accusations?

I think that your description of them is based on pure subjective reasons.

About Phenixtri, I don't know too much about him, but with this thread he has proven that someone was needed to moderate the upload section and I wish him good luck in his attempt to do so.
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