
How can i use 2 mode at same time ?
7 replies

In case of the massive mod it'll be very hard because some of the massive mod infos aren't organized.
Wich will be a lot of work because the folders of massive mod are probably the most unorganized folders I've ever seen.

CLick on Stranded 2, Choose Kidnap mod, Minimalize, Click on Stranded 2 again, Choose Massive mod and tradaaaaaa 

I'm still working out some of the bugs and I'm going to streamline some of Massive Mod's features if I can ever figure out how. When I'm done I'll give ya an update.
Some things I updated,fixed or added:
-Added the ability to build the magic wand (though it is expensive as it darn well should be)
-Increased the variety of ways to die on normal mode (haven't finished tweaking hard mode) Including raptors, scorpions, man-eating plants, etc. Just the lions roaming around got boring after the second island.
-Added a bunch of buildings that were already in the mod but just wanted to be able to build them.
Wooden Palace
Desk (Can look at the map when you use it )
Chest (To store ur loot of course)
-I also updated the storage buildings to allow storage of planks, etc and increase the capacity a bit of some.
-A few other minor tweaks, to make the game less tedious and more focused on survival.
Things I'm trying to add in, or haven't gotten to work right yet:
-I'm trying to streamline the terraforming with the spade, to allow you to use a dirt pile and raise terrain, and I'll make the dirt only weight 5k or something so its more portable.
-Looking for a "wheelbarrow" vehicle model to add in for transporting dirt, logs, etc. I already modded the car to carry a little weight but I want a dedicated transport cart kinda thing.
-Most of the drops from trees and stuff ain't working right yet, still trying to figure out where I screwed up. (I did edit and combine the bushes and stone files)
-Going to add the Magic Carpet when I get around to it, will definitely not make that thing cheap to build

-Going to add a scorpion spawn object, and an antidote potion you can make, right now the are generated on normal mode but there is a finite amount of them.
-Going to add an explode-able barrel you can store gunpowder or other explosive objects
If there are any other suggestions feel free to make em. I haven't really messed around with Massive mod and only decided to try this project because I wanted to see if it was possible.

Things I'm trying to add in, or haven't gotten to work right yet:
-Looking for a "wheelbarrow" vehicle model to add in for transporting dirt, logs, etc. I already modded the car to carry a little weight but I want a dedicated transport cart kinda thing.
-Going to add a scorpion spawn object, and an antidote potion you can make, right now the are generated on normal mode but there is a finite amount of them.
-Going to add an explode-able barrel you can store gunpowder or other explosive objects
-I think ext mod has a wheelbarrow.
-I have a scorp spawn object here:
-Forest mod has a script for that.