
Should users be able to thank posters for their posts?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Yes | 0.00% (0) | |
No | 0.00% (0) |
53 votes cast

Or you'd make it like a spoiler called ["User who said thank you"]
Thats a good idea

Or you'd make it like a spoiler called ["User who said thank you"]
Thats a good idea
No. Spoilers suck.

If you used spoilers, nobody ould ever bother opening them, which would then make the whole thing pointless in a way.
I always open spoilers whenever I see them. Even the long ones makes me click on it.
Like a small (or sometimes not so) bar above the sig and under the post.
You know. Noobs.

Well if this is approved noobs will register billions of accounts just to thank himself.
You know. Noobs.
You know. Noobs.
Why would people register so many accounts just to thank themselves? Only retarded people do that.

As you live in the middle of the Pcific Ocean, and can't be older than 14, I don't think you were in Europe much. It's one of the best continents. People are really friendly if you don't go to Southern-Eastern Europe.
Well this is nice example of you thinking out too much stuff. Is that your only tactics ? Well actualy, i live in europe and not in pacific ocean unlike you and actualy i am 16. So take your pussy ass to your grandma.
If you want flamewar then you will have one.

If you want flamewar then you will have one.
You apparently want to be banned again.

If you want flamewar then you will have one.
You apparently want to be banned again.
Nahh, i just want to shut him up.
Thanks for the info.

So take your pussy ass to your grandma.
.. You must be fucking kidding me. You are NOT 16. NO FUCKING WAY.

So take your pussy ass to your grandma.
.. You must be fucking kidding me. You are NOT 16. NO FUCKING WAY.
You wona say i am older ? Thanks bro ! I knew you would agree.
Good day at

Good day at
Good day at

This will be fun. There is still round freeze and i am resuplieing.

Erik963: The problem is you know I mean you're younger. Please don't act childish.

Well actualy, what makes me younger ? That i dont smoke or dont use drugs ? Go to hell with it. If you wona destroy your life then sure, go head, but without me.

The way you post makes you seem like a child. Now, do not go off-topic in this thread. It's a good thread with good intentions, and if you do go ahead being an idiot. I will not post anyway, kthxbai.
So from swearing you jumped to think outs ? Who the fuck cares about posts ? You never met me in real life so you got no right to judge me.