where can i find somethinng to view stranded 2 in english? Admin/mod comment
please choose titles which give essential information about your thread. "where can i find" does not give information about what you search and is therefore not suitable.
changed. DC Admin
but it gives me a error on that page.could you give me something else pls? it shows me
Richte auch du Deine kostenlose Homepage beim kostenlosen Webspace bei Funpic.de ein
i dont know german. what to do? sry but nothing!
i dont know what to do
what do i have to do?
to wait without clicking? or what? pls... help me you set you dont understand german then search the starnded english thread and there you go visit info in english
Silent_Control has written
sry but nothing!
i dont know what to do
what do i have to do?
to wait without clicking? or what? pls... help me
I really don't get your problem. What the heck are you doing. The Script changes the header to the rar-file, so you cant even get the advertising.
What do you do? Go on my page? Then simply click on the close button of the advertising, then rnjoy are pure german infoless personal homepage
sry, I never made a link to the list with the download, cause I usually don't over anything knew there.
Also this mod is outdated. Wait for EwokChieftains new translation, it will be more up-to-date. silent control try again to go to that tread here its the same but it may work try im talking about that thread wich the DC gived you sometimes this way work for me skiper has written
silent control try again to go to that tread
here its the same but it may work try im talking about that thread wich the DC gived you sometimes this way work for me
the url given by me is definitifly the same given by dicker. Dont go 2 the links that bizzl has given. For some reason they send u 2 a german page.? Try clicking on the "Stranded II" link at the top left of this page then clicking on download at the bottom of the page. Hope this helps
Bloodshot has written
Dont go 2 the links that bizzl has given. For some reason they send u 2 a german page.? Try clicking on the "Stranded II" link at the top left of this page then clicking on download at the bottom of the page. Hope this helps

I deleted the old translation since it was completely outdated.
I would also suggest that you look at the dates of the posts.
This thread was untouched for nearly a year. It's already dead.