Okay, wow! First... 156MB compressed or over 200MB of uncompressed data. For that I expect something.
But as I see (even without starting the game) you included your favorite music which already needs 80MB...
When I start the mod, I see you've got some stuff from other mods...?
When I start the editor... oh, yes. You have definitely much stuff from other mods and even from me...

But it's some nice stuff, I had much fun with the units...
So at least your mod seems to be no more than a bunch of scrached models... But wait... I guess that map ("ultimate") was made by you? So since you also spent much effort on creating that map which really looks very good (but didn't had time to test it much, yet), and since someone already voted with "horrible" which is just wrong, I would give you...

(great Mod)