
Servers going out of server list.
20 replies
Next answer please.
@Trauma Tizer, Doesn't work.
[17:49:37] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[17:49:37] U.S.G.N.: Serverlist entry updated
[17:50:22] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[17:50:23] U.S.G.N.: Serverlist entry updated
[17:51:08] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[17:51:53] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[17:52:39] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[17:53:24] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[17:54:10] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[17:54:55] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
That's when it went out of the list.
after that crash you can´t see them in the serverlist or join them.. but the process is still running!
the only thing which help is kill the process and start the server again
If it's the server itself (only a defunct process is running, you can't join), you might belong to the group of server owners which get attacked for no reason (or at least he didn't answer my question why he did it) by a guy with a 20 pound botnet.

Any ideas of what would be causing my servers to be going out of the server list? Happening for about the last 3 days or so. I've changed nothing. The servers are still running, when i checked the processes running. Some servers were still in the list though.
If your running Windows Vista it can cause this to happen, Ive tried to run servers and for some GAY reason Vista wants to ruin it.

Can you still join the server through join by IP? In other words, is the problem in the serverlist or the server itself?
If it's the server itself (only a defunct process is running, you can't join), you might belong to the group of server owners which get attacked for no reason (or at least he didn't answer my question why he did it) by a guy with a 20 pound botnet.
If it's the server itself (only a defunct process is running, you can't join), you might belong to the group of server owners which get attacked for no reason (or at least he didn't answer my question why he did it) by a guy with a 20 pound botnet.
[19:46:50] recv join attempt... (
[19:46:50] X.Rated clientdata: WIN {28cefe3ac30ab30ab5268978955263db2736128}
[19:46:50] U.S.G.N.: X.Rated ( joining with U.S.G.N. ID #63148 - verifying...
[19:46:50] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:46:51] U.S.G.N.: Serverlist entry updated
[19:46:51] U.S.G.N.: is using U.S.G.N. ID #63148
[19:46:51] X.Rated connected
[19:46:51] X.Rated is using IP and U.S.G.N. ID #63148
[19:46:51] Starting transfer to X.Rated (files: 11) ...
[19:46:51] X.Rated needs or accepts no files.
[19:46:53] ...«McTøØþ»... joins the counter-terrorist forces
[19:46:55] X.Rated joins the counter-terrorist forces
[19:46:56] #°~SaYeM~°# killed Gulaschgesicht with Scout
[19:46:58] Next Map: aim_awp_scout
[19:46:59] Gulaschgesicht *DEAD*: ok
[19:47:01] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[19:47:01] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[19:47:05] X.Rated: Hey Sayem
[19:47:08] #°~SaYeM~°#: hi
[19:47:09] gt23 votes for awp_mexico.
[19:47:26] Gulaschgesicht killed ...«McTøØþ»... with Scout
[19:47:28] ...«McTøØþ»... has left the game
[19:47:36] F2 for command menu,
[19:47:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[19:47:36] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:47:36] #°~SaYeM~°# killed gt23 with Scout
[19:47:36] U.S.G.N.: Serverlist entry updated
[19:47:47] Gulaschgesicht killed X.Rated with Scout
[19:48:04] #°~SaYeM~°# killed Gulaschgesicht with Scout
[19:48:07] gt23 *DEAD*: kk
[19:48:08] #°~SaYeM~°#: >
[19:48:09] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[19:48:16] #°~SaYeM~°#: non scoping lol
[19:48:19] gt23 killed X.Rated with Scout
[19:48:21] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:48:21] U.S.G.N.: Serverlist entry updated
[19:48:36] F2 for command menu,
[19:48:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[19:48:37] performing buffered shot for 4 (buffered: 1)
[19:48:38] #°~SaYeM~°# killed gt23 with Scout
[19:48:43] Gulaschgesicht killed #°~SaYeM~°# with Scout
[19:48:44] X.Rated *DEAD*: Just got gang raped by 2 TRs
[19:48:48] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[19:48:50] #°~SaYeM~°#: they n*b 2v1
[19:48:50] #°~SaYeM~°# has been slapped
[19:48:58] Gulaschgesicht: no i waited
[19:49:02] gt23 votes for aim_awp_scout.
[19:49:03] X.Rated killed Gulaschgesicht with Scout
[19:49:07] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:49:07] U.S.G.N.: Serverlist entry updated
[19:49:12] #°~SaYeM~°# is being shaken.
[19:49:12] 41698: shake 4 3000
[19:49:18] #°~SaYeM~°# killed gt23 with AWP
[19:49:20] #°~SaYeM~°# is being shaken.
[19:49:20] 41698: shake 4 3000
[19:49:21] X.Rated: owned
[19:49:23] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[19:49:31] #°~SaYeM~°#: he shaked me --'
[19:49:36] F2 for command menu,
[19:49:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[19:49:36] generating stats...
[19:49:36] stats generated in 0 ms!
[19:49:36] X.Rated killed gt23 with Scout
[19:49:46] performing buffered shot for 3 (buffered: 1)
[19:49:51] Gulaschgesicht killed X.Rated with Scout
[19:49:52] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:49:52] U.S.G.N.: Serverlist entry updated
[19:50:06] performing buffered shot for 3 (buffered: 1)
[19:50:06] Gulaschgesicht killed #°~SaYeM~°# with Scout
[19:50:08] #°~SaYeM~°# has left the game
[19:50:11] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[19:50:11] X.Rated: Gulaschgesicht is cheating.
[19:50:15] Gulaschgesicht: no
[19:50:20] X.Rated: Hey 1 scope
[19:50:22] X.Rated: I hear it
[19:50:27] Gulaschgesicht: kick ??
[19:50:30] X.Rated: DDoS?
[19:50:35] X.Rated killed Gulaschgesicht with Scout
[19:50:36] F2 for command menu,
[19:50:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[19:50:38] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:50:38] U.S.G.N.: Serverlist entry updated
[19:50:40] X.Rated has been slapped
[19:50:40] 41698: slap 5
[19:50:42] gt23 killed X.Rated with Scout
[19:50:47] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[19:50:49] 41698: speedmod 5 -10
[19:50:49] 41698: slow_down 5
[19:50:49] X.Rated has been slowed down (-10).
[19:51:02] Gulaschgesicht killed X.Rated with Scout
[19:51:07] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[19:51:09] Gulaschgesicht: m0therf0ucker !!
[19:51:16] 41698: speedmod 5 0
[19:51:16] X.Rated is no longer slowed down.
[19:51:19] X.Rated: ready for DDoS? you cann tell them why the server
[19:51:23] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:51:24] U.S.G.N.: Serverlist entry updated
[19:51:31] Gulaschgesicht killed X.Rated with Scout
[19:51:36] F2 for command menu,
[19:51:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[19:51:36] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[19:51:37] X.Rated: Bye bye
[19:52:09] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:52:13] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[19:52:36] F2 for command menu,
[19:52:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[19:52:54] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:53:36] F2 for command menu,
[19:53:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[19:53:40] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:54:25] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:54:36] F2 for command menu,
[19:54:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[19:54:36] generating stats...
[19:54:36] stats generated in 1 ms!
[19:55:11] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:55:36] F2 for command menu,
[19:55:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[19:55:56] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:56:36] F2 for command menu,
[19:56:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[19:56:42] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:57:15] Next Map: aim_awp_scout
[19:57:18] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[19:57:18] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[19:57:27] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:57:36] F2 for command menu,
[19:57:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[19:58:13] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:58:36] F2 for command menu,
[19:58:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[19:58:58] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[19:59:36] F2 for command menu,
[19:59:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[19:59:36] generating stats...
[19:59:36] stats generated in 1 ms!
[19:59:44] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:00:29] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:00:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:00:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:01:15] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:01:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:01:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:02:00] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:02:23] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[20:02:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:02:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:02:46] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:03:31] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:03:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:03:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:04:17] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:04:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:04:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:04:36] generating stats...
[20:04:36] stats generated in 1 ms!
[20:05:02] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:05:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:05:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:05:48] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:06:33] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:06:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:06:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:07:19] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:07:28] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[20:07:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:07:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:08:04] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:08:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:08:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:08:50] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:09:35] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:09:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:09:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:09:36] generating stats...
[20:09:36] stats generated in 1 ms!
[20:10:21] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:10:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:10:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:11:06] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:11:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:11:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:11:52] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:12:33] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[20:12:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:12:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:12:37] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:13:23] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:13:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:13:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:14:08] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:14:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:14:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:14:36] generating stats...
[20:14:36] stats generated in 0 ms!
[20:14:53] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:15:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:15:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:15:39] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:16:24] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:16:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:16:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:17:10] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:17:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:17:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:17:38] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[20:17:55] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:18:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:18:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:18:41] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:19:26] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:19:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:19:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:19:36] generating stats...
[20:19:36] stats generated in 1 ms!
[20:20:12] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:20:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:20:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:20:57] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:21:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:21:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:21:43] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:22:28] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:22:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:22:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:22:43] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[20:23:14] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:23:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:23:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:23:59] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:24:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:24:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:24:36] generating stats...
[20:24:36] stats generated in 1 ms!
[20:24:45] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:25:30] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:25:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:25:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:26:16] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:26:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:26:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:27:01] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:27:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:27:36] F4 for map vote menu.
[20:27:47] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:27:48] Read 14 entries from sys/lua/hc/data/config/users.hcu.
[20:28:32] U.S.G.N.: Sending serverlist UPDATE-request...
[20:28:36] F2 for command menu,
[20:28:36] F4 for map vote menu.
edited 1×, last 27.09.11 10:55:07 pm

Well X-Rated thanks to your video we finally found out who is hacking all servers again and again. I mean only because u are the biggest noob in this game u want to ruin it? damn u must have absolutly no life my friend. Go play Micky mouse on your gameboy color and stfu. Stupid jackass.

and he thinks hes funny lol. Someday your pc will get hacked and u will not laugh then anymore my friend
i garantie you that 


I hope your get busted as soon as possible and the entire cs2d scene will laugh at u. You should get assfucked by those freaks in prison and i hope u get AIDS of that and die cruel in a dark corner where your mom spits on your face.
Lol you mad?
Who are you?
Well X-Rated thanks to your video we finally found out who is hacking with DDoS all servers again and again. I mean only because u are the biggest noob in this game u want to ruin it? damn u must have absolutly no life my friend. Go play Micky mouse on your gameboy color and stfu. Stupid jackass.
What?!? HE WAS IT?!?
This fu...