People think it's spam and EVERYONE says "I just had a sh!t" but it's way different. At leasts people I follow. And besides, if you don't like someone and you think he spams, don't follow him. About the topic now, would be a good idea but I don't believe there's time for it.

Should US have twitter?
28 replies
Shoul US have twitter?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Yes. That way i can track info about it. | 16.67% (7) | |
No. | 83.33% (35) |
42 votes cast
People think it's spam and EVERYONE says "I just had a sh!t" but it's way different. At leasts people I follow. And besides, if you don't like someone and you think he spams, don't follow him. About the topic now, would be a good idea but I don't believe there's time for it.
there is one.

dc uses facebook+unrealsoftware 

dc uses facebook+unrealsoftware 

His name is Peter Schauss.

dc uses facebook+unrealsoftware 

I was once

unrealsoft, Peter Schauß:
ONLY 140 CHARS?! twitter is retarded!
31 Jul
ONLY 140 CHARS?! twitter is retarded!
31 Jul
lol.. now we know why he hates it?
Personally, I don't like Twitter either but it seems like a useless idea for DC to have one or use one.